Crushed for time to make dinner and everybody is starving and can’t wait another minute to eat? Here’s a fast, easy solution with a few items pulled from the pantry, freezer, and refrigerator at a moment’s notice.
The dinner in the picture above is one of many examples of fast, healthy meals that can be pulled together in minutes. This video below shows you another option!
Enjoy 🙂

Hot 5 Minute Meal (whole foods only!)
Recipe and video demonstration of how to make a hot, 5 minute dinner with whatever whole foods you have on hand in the refrigerator, freezer and pantry.
- 1/2- 1 pound ground beef preferably grassfed
- 1 cup precooked beans
- 1 large can crushed tomatoes preferably organic
- 1 tsp chili powder
- sea salt to taste
- pepper to taste
Brown the ground beef in a medium sized pot.
Pour in crushed tomatoes and precooked beans.
When hot and thoroughly mixed, add chili powder, sea salt, and pepper.
Serve with a small salad or carrot and celery sticks.
Recipe Notes
If you are interested in the bread in the picture, this recipe for garlic bread uses plenty of healthy fats and real, crushed garlic cloves. It is one of my family's favorite side dishes.
5 Minute Hot Meal (Demonstration)
The video below demonstrates the written recipe for you visual learners 🙂
Note that I use precooked beans in the dish, but you can just as easily use leftover veggies instead if that is what you have on hand. The point is to get creative and that a healthy dinner does not have to be complicated or time consuming to prepare.
Need some other ideas? Check out this recipe for shrimp fried rice that can be prepared in 10 minutes or this recipe for healthy homemade Chinese food that is ready to eat in about 5-10 minutes.
What are your favorite 5 minute dinners? Please share your healthy, whole food based recipes and suggestions with all of us in the comments section.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Hi Tina,
Here's The Healthy Home Economist facebook page:
Thank you for the referrals!
I can't wait to get back to the Nourishing Traditions way of cooking. Right now we're doing the GAPS diet so we're limited in what we can eat. I really miss potatoes and beans!
BTW – Is there a way I can get you on my facebook. I want friends and family to see your posts.
Carrie, there really wasn't a recipe for this video. I just took some leftover ground beef from the fridge, took some already soaked/cooked beans out of the freezer and a can of tomato puree and heated them up in a pan – added some chili powder, salt and pepper to taste and that was it. The goal of the video was to show that you can make a hot, healthy meal in minutes and to just be creative.
Hi Smuddpie, the whey in the soaking water breaks down the phytic acid and other antinutrients in the skin of the beans. After soaking, you rinse and them cook them as usual and you will find that they don't cause gas and are more filling from the soaking.
Hi Sarah, Would you mind posting the recipe or emailing it to me? I have a slow connection out here in the country and cannot easily view videos. 🙂
What does the addition of whey do to the beans?
Thanks Teresa! I so appreciate the encouraging words!
Thanks for your awesome posts and all your mom-tested recipes!! You are such an inspiration and a wealth of knowledge!! 🙂
Hi Teresa, I buy them in bulk from the bins at the healthfood store. I soak a huge pot, cook them up and then freeze them in bag for super quick meals. Beans take a lot of prep to make them healthy and digestible, so I do it in large batches so it doesn't drive me crazy.
Where do you get your beans? Is there a particular brand that you like to use- or do you buy them in bulk?