10 Recipes
Many people even those who eat meat, prefer vegetarian breakfast recipes to heavier ones with bacon, sausage or steak. In Japan, salads for breakfast are the norm and are even served in fast food joints like McDonald’s!
In my home, we favor easy, quick and healthy vegetarian recipes during the school year and leave the meat for lunch, dinner or weekend breakfast fare when there is more time for preparation.
Usually our meatless am meals involve smoothies or sourdough bagels with nut butters. These recipes can be made with or without eggs to accompany them, depending on how much time you have.
The best vegetarian breakfast will include plenty of healthy fats and complete protein to maintain fullness all the way to lunch. The most nutritious vegetarian breakfast I’ve ever seen was served at a Buddhist monastery in Kyoto. It consisted of a poached egg (the yolk was cold and almost raw!), lightly steamed vegetables, and a cup of miso broth.