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Demonstration of how raw milk vending machines work in Europe, where there are over a thousand of these across Italy alone and many more across the EU.

Raw, unpasteurized milk directly from the cow is considered a dangerous food in the United States and Canada.
Yet, all across Europe, this probiotic and enzyme-rich traditional beverage that has nourished humans for millennia is available via….wait for it…vending machines!
Below is a short video my son filmed while I was loading up at one of the 17 raw milk machines serving the small city of Modena, Italy alone.
The picture above shows me filling a glass bottle with raw milk at Waalheimer Farm just outside Valkenburg, Netherlands.
One of the machines I used during our EU travels was right next to a school!
The farmers fill the raw milk vending machine every morning at 6 am so the children have easy access to the freshest and most healthful of beverages every day.
All of this available with the push of a button…the harnessing of modern innovation and traditional diet at its finest.
By comparison, consider the vending machines available in American schools. These machines dispense obesity-promoting sodas and processed fruit juices.
Industrialized beverages contain GMO sugar or high fructose corn syrup plus many unhealthy additives.
Even supposedly healthier options are not much better!
Pasteurized milk cartons from GMO-fed, confined cows are so devoid of nutrition that synthetic vitamins are added to pad the nutrition label.
What’s worse, the pasteurized milk for children in vending machines is skim or lowfat. The fat is replaced with GMO sugar, fake flavors or even aspartame!
Ironically, studies have shown that children who drink whole milk are much slimmer and have far less weight issues in general.
Over 1000 Raw Milk Machines in Italy Alone
According to the “milk maps” website designed by Andrea Verlicchi, hundreds of small family farms currently supply around 1,300 raw milk vending machines in Italy alone. (1)
These machines have been dispensing raw milk for years!
If raw milk was truly as dangerous as the United States and Canadian authorities claim, wouldn’t serious outbreaks of foodborne illness occur regularly in Europe? These machines are literally everywhere!
The truth is that Big Dairy doesn’t want the public to have easy access to raw milk.
This would require local delivery networks that would keep revenue within the community. The result would be a decline in the massive and highly profitable corporate distribution channels.
Hence, an army of highly paid dairy lobbyists twists the arms of government bureaucrats and legislators to demonize this healthful food. Ironically, the reason is under the guise of “protecting” public health.
The truth is that statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) prove raw milk safety.
Ted Beals MD examined CDC figures for foodborne illness for the entire population of the United States. He found that a person is about 35,000 times more likely to get sick from other foods than raw milk. (2)
“It is irresponsible for senior national government officials to oppose raw milk, claiming that it is inherently hazardous,” says Dr. Beals.
He continues, “There is no justification for opposing the sale of raw milk or warning against its inclusion in the diets of children and adults.”
How to Use a Raw Milk Vending Machine
Clearly, the entire continent of Europe sides with Dr. Beals!
If raw milk is good enough for Queen Elizabeth who had bottles delivered to her grandsons William and Harry at Eton boarding school, isn’t it good enough for your family too? (3)
Click here for a raw milk finder to locate a grass-based dairy farm near you. (4)
While not as convenient as in Europe, raw milk is legal to obtain in nearly all states in America. You will probably have to go out of your way to get it though (hint: it is worth the effort!).
Below is a demonstration of the simple process of buying a liter of raw milk in Modena, Italy.
(1) Milk Maps
(2) Those Pathogens, What You Should Know
(3) Raw-milk fans are getting a raw deal
(4) Raw Milk Finder
I live in Sweden and have been drinking RAW organic milk for years, but it is much harder to get here than in Italy. The Swedish authoroties are very authoritarian in this question, due to extreme lobbyism from the psychopathic dairy industry.
RAW and truly organic dairy products is a very health bringing food group. Humans need animal products, like meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, bone broth, entrails, roe and RAW dairy, to develop according to their blueprint. Crops are also important, but really only at best a health bringing complement to animal foods.
We must take back the power over what we eat, away from Big Food and the corrupt authorities, they use the food industry to get rich and as a weapon against usl.
Originally from MA, my husband and I are living in SC for the past 6 years and there is a farmstand a few miles away that sells raw milk. I have bought it a couple of times. They only sell it in gallon sizes. I am the only one who would drink it. That’s why I rarely buy it. Many years ago when we lived in MA, my family would drive to a farm in NH to get raw milk. My niece buys raw milk regularly here in Greenville, SC. It is sold at the Swamp Rabbit Cafe store.
We lived in Canada/PEI for 9 years and there were dairy farms nearby. One was on our street a short distance away. The son and daughter-in-law of the farm lived across from us for a time. I asked her if we could get raw milk from her in-laws. We couldn’t even if we wanted to buy it. If anyone found out we were getting raw milk from them, the dairy farm would be in a lot of trouble. Don’t know what would happen – maybe fined a lot of $$? It’s terrible that Canada bans raw milk. You have to have your own cow if you want raw milk. Canada even controls egg sales. There’s a small grocery store (3rd generation) about 15 minutes away from our house in PEI. He can’t even sell farm fresh eggs from a local farm in his store. He has to purchase his eggs commercially for his store. 🙁 Of course, you could personally buy eggs from a farmer, but a store can’t do that and resell them. There’s way too much control from the government there, and even in the US.
Is this milk pasteurised ? I am from a company dooddhbhandaar from India and we have just started to provide 100 pure non adulterated raw and fresh milk in our city. We are not pasturasing the milk . Can you guide us with this vending machine concept . It’s a humble request and it would be a great help . We are uplifting the farmers and eliminating the rust of product quality for the consumers . Ping me on mail. Thank for your blog on this .
in order for “Probiotics” to work, you need to take “Prebiotic’s”
I live in Ca, Usa, and I cannot find anyone that sells Organic pastured Bones for Bone broth, for under $100.00!!!
But it is easier to get Raw milk. That said, in order to get it I have to join a group that buys the whole cow, then I can get the Raw Milk!
either join up with local farmers, small farmers, or begin yourselves…we need to learn how to live on our own as we once did in this country.
people can join together and have herd shares with cows for raw milk and beef…people can raise piges and do thier own butchering…you just have to be creative and search around…maybe have to drive a long ways, but there are people doing this and selling these products…it aint easy, but the rewards are great.
wish you the best !
it takes real effort to get back to this lifestyle…but you can do it, one thing at a time or two !
sont let discouragement get you down..keep searching…its out there..
Fond Bone Broth sells their regenerative bone broth, 4 jars for just under $60 and in glass jars. It’s so delicious. I used to buy my grass fed bones from Whole Foods. Now I buy them from the mail order purveyor that I buy my meat from, which varies.
My brother moved back to Europe about 10 years ago (Poland – we came to the US in 1981). He’s lucky enough that his neighbor has dairy cows and provides them with all the raw milk they can use. So many things you can do with it!
I live in Italy and use these machines to get my raw milk regularly. However, they are not ‘everywhere’ but are concentrated in rural areas where the farms are. You will not find them in the center of large cities like Milan or Rome so, it’s an effort to get to them. Also, most Italians I know are scared of raw milk and believe they will get sick from it. So, 1300 machines in a country with a population of 60 million is not very much.
Lastly, the vending machines where I get my milk specifically warn against reusing plastic bottles because they are difficult to clean properly. They recommend glass bottles and for 50 cents you can also buy the glass bottle from the machine. That’s what I do and I just bring along my clean glass bottles when I need more milk.
One raw milk machine I used had plastic bottles for sale in a vending machine next to it. This was the raw milk machine next to a school.
Also, 1300 machines in a country not much bigger than my home state of Florida is extremely concentrated! Consider that in the United States, it is estimated that 3% of the population drinks raw milk and there are about 2000 raw milk producers in the entire country. Therefore, in Italy, it is clearly much more widespread. One other thing .. these machines I used were in cities, on the outskirts of the city, yes, but not in completely rural or isolated areas.
hi all,
I dont know why every one is so in love with milk. First, as humans we did not evolve on cow milk.We consume cow milk for several thousand years only, and our gut evolution??? it goes in millions of years.Next in order for cow to produce milk it has to get pregnant and then Nature takes over. Now days cows are artificially impregnated to produce milk. What does it tell us? Another fact, no other spices then humans drink another spices milk, there is no crossing, so why we are so special, are we?every single spices on our planet has very specific diet appropriate to specific environment living in, and we believe that we should eat anything. Now, how about if we look closer on cow growth since the birth and human growth. Cow needs about 1 year to rich its normal adult size, and we are talking from the birth at 50/60 pounds to 600+pounds in 1 YEAR!!!! Humans need at least 14/15 years to reach adult body size.What does it tell us? Just imagine how much more growth hormones we feed our babies and then ourselves with that milk? Just couple of my observations which make me realize not to touch any dairy at all. What are your observations (not believes,please) facts about dairy.
What you are describing is the conventional manner of dairy production which is certainly to be avoided. However, there are other types of milk that mimic what humans have consumed for millenia and can be safely embraced and enjoyed as a very nutritious food source. Here is some history on the subject for you:
Sarah is right.
Sorry for being blunt, but your comment is actually a constituent in the Capitocracy´s, the Parasitic Class´s, psychological operation to deprive humanity of the, for our pesonal health and development over generations, necessary high quality animal products, like RAW truly organic dairy, high quality saturated fat from animals and high quality meat.
Their goal is basically to only let us eat refined GMO products made from pesticide sprayed corn, soy and wheat.
Hi Sarah,
It such a shame this is going on. I live in the UK and am happy to say I have my raw milk delivered straight to my door for me and my Son.For anyone in the uk wanting raw milk i get my from Hook & Son. Our Queen drinks raw milk and I can imagine Prince williams children do to. But it is the price of a bottle of wine for 1.136 litres……………..but well worth it. This was part of my protacol to cure my son of ezcema, which has gone! I did a hair test to find out his food sensitivities, took them out of his diet and any high histamine foods as well, got him on proiotics, raw milk and bone broths!!! Ezcema has not come back!
Nearly 10 years after this comment, I am in UK and just visited my first raw farm seller. I checked that Hook and Son and saw it is £3.50/liter (could not find their delivery price). The farm near me in North Yorkshire has it for £1/liter. But you have to go and get it yourself.
I absolutely love it!