We are done! Â I personally cannot believe I made it through the entire “Milk Cure” fast.
Below are Paula, Richard, and my observations as the final hours wind down. What are your ending thoughts? Â Did it go as you expected or totally veer off course?
Be sure to let us know how you finished up in the comments section.
Paula:  All’s well that ends well.  Slept good, elimination is back to normal.  Ahhhhh 🙂  Feel pretty good, must be over the detoxing hump.  Worked out today – weights and some interval cardio.  Felt really good and was dripping with sweat when done.  Stretched out and followed up with milk.  There were a couple of rough days but it amazes me the power of the raw milk to detoxify the body.  Not to mention the rest of the digestive system has got to be benefited greatly.  I plan to continue this ritual every spring but first I am going to have some bacon.  Consumed 14 cups of milk on day 10 and weighed in at 117.
Richard: Â Drank 6 cups on the final day and felt great. Don’t think I lost a pound but didn’t bother to weigh myself either to be sure. I go more by how I feel than what the numbers say anyway. I did have some mild detoxing throughout the 10 day period but not anything close to what I expected. Â Felt pretty much great the entire time. Will plan to participate again next year.
Am ready for the fast-breaking bash tomorrow. Can’t wait to eat food again.
Sarah: Today is my daughter’s birthday, so I spent the morning making her 2 devil’s food cakes (yes, TWO) – one to take into school at lunchtime and share with her classmates and the other for her actual birthday party tomorrow. Refraining from licking some of the yummy batter was quite a battle, but I managed to get through it.  At least I can eat some of the cake tomorrow at the party!
It is all I can do to not just stare at the clock winding down the minutes until I can eat again. What shall I eat first? A mundane bowl of soaked oatmeal tops the list, but the breaking of the fast will be marked with much more festivity. Can’t wait to share it with you all.
I am feeling fantastic this morning. The congestion and sneezing are gone. So glad I’m ending the fast on a positive note rather than feeling rotten. It seems I had 2 phases of detox. The first two and a half days were definitely detox mode followed by a few days of feeling terrific. This was followed by another couple of days feeling bad and then feeling better again.
I wonder if I fasted longer if this pattern would continue or would I eventually just feel great all the time? Something to ponder.
Shall we do this again next year? I’m thinking an annual fast might be something fun for this blog. We’ve done it 2 years in a row now. The first time with just 1 person and this year with about 100. Maybe next year we could get 1,000? Why not? There’s no harm in thinking BIG, right? Shooting for the moon and hitting the top of a telephone pole ain’t bad at all.
Looking for anyone doing the 10 day milk fast … We need to unite ! 🙂
I am! Started yesterday too. Im suffering from headaches and all around low energy. I think I am immediately having withdrawals from caffeine.
Good Jennifer ! I wonder if there is somewhere for us late starters to post ?
Anyone out there doing the milk fast now? I’d like to hear how it’s going for you all . I just started last evening….. so today is Day 1 for me . The milk is soooo very good !
I may start tomorrow, or more likely Tuesday. I have some big errands to do first, and the digestive system is still feeling a little unsettled. Please keep posting and letting us know how it’s going.
Let me know when you start Judith , please. I wish there were more of us who couldn’t start on March 1st keeping in contact .
I’m way behind the pack! I may start in the next few days. I’ve been drinking a few cups of milk a day lately, and a little homemade kefir from the same raw milk, but haven’t taken the plunge. If anyone is early in the fast, please post and we can do it together.
For some reason, it hasn’t felt right for the last week or so to do the fast. When I first bought the milk, it felt really right but I wanted to use up some food first. Bad timing.
Linda, how did it go? Anyone else still doing the fast? I think I’m starting today–I’m reluctant to say that because things have come up that interfered several times. But I’ve gradually replaced meals with milk over the last week or so, and today it’s all milk and homemade raw kefir. Is anyone else still doing the milk cure?
Judith, I did not do a fast or detox before starting the Milk Cure. I am taking my supplements that my nutritionist is having me take to support different organs in my body, but I’m thinking maybe I’ll go off of them for the rest of the time. I’m on day 6 today.
I’m also thinking, as several others have, that I’m going to do this more often. I’m thinking of drinking milk for breakfast and mid morning most days. I want to do another milk fast in the summer, maybe go two weeks. A friend suggested to me to do the fast when I go camping. I would only need to bring coolers with ice & milk and not all the other cooking stuff – that would be interesting!
Sarah, thank you so much for your blog!!! I really appreciate all your time and effort!
I wasn’t going to start the fast for a few days, but so far today, I have only had milk. My body is telling me that it’s time for the fast. My mind is slowing down and I feel more centered. This is after one cup last night and two cups today. I need to use up some eggs and veggies, so I may just have a regular meal or two, with milk for breakfast, for a while. And I’ll do some preparatory detox too.
But food is not appealing, which is very unusual for me; my mind wants it but the body says just slow down and have milk. Pretty funny!
Sorry this is late, life got in the way. Day 10 was a very relaxing day. We woke up and while the kids made themselves breakfast I sipped on my milk. I had to do laundry, but then we watched some movies and I got to sleep on and off all day.
This Milk Cure has been an amazing journey for me. I had been in ICU just before I started this fast and was a little nervous doing this so quickly, but I had read Paula’s journey from last year and also the website that was posted here and I had told Sarah that I wanted to do this. It seemed like an “easy on your system” kind of thing. Well, I just didn’t know how much it would help me. The first 5 days I was weaning myself off of the hospital medicines and when I would usually be having a hard time, to my amazement I wasn’t. I had just finished telling my Dr. that I would prefer to be on steroids for the rest of my life because every time I would go off of them I would have such sudden attacks I would wind up calling 911 to come help me because the epi pen wasn’t helping and I thought I was going to die. I have 2 children that I need to see grow up.
Slowly during the 10 days, I have been taking myself off of ALL the oral medicine and ALL of the steroid inhalers… and I am still standing! Yes, I do have to use my inhaler on occasion and also my nebulizer on occasion, but NOTHING like it was!!
This journey is not over for me. I am going to do this between 4 and 6 weeks. I want to make sure that I still don’t have any medicine left in my system and I could survive without them. I want to walk into the Dr. office in 4 weeks time and tell him. Look at me!! I went on this Milk Cure and it worked for me!!! I am not saying the everyone’s body will react to this in the same way, but reading a lot of the posts throughout this 10 day journey, I see how it is helping a good number of people. This is how it was meant to be.
Remembering my Grandfather, when he lived with us, he was a butcher and used to tell me that the meat just doesn’t taste the same and neither did the milk. Now I know what he meant!! He used to have bacon and fried eggs every morning and he lived to be 2 months shy of 101 years old. After these 10 days, I know I will follow in his footsteps. I am on that journey to longevity. I want to Thank Sarah, Paula, and Richard for bringing this to our attention on how we can help Cure our own bodies!! I will never go back to the old way, and I pray that next year will be even BETTER!!! Congratulations everyone for a Wonderful 10 days!!
Mary Kate, thank you so much for sharing your experience with the milk cure! It’s very inspiring. I hope you will post after you have continued a while. I’d love to hear how you are doing. Best wishes for a return to perfect health.
I just picked up 4.5 gallons of fresh milk from my local farmer, and a quart of her homemade kefir and some kefir culture too–in case I want to culture some of this wonderful milk. I’d like to just start the milk cure tomorrow, but need to use up some veggies and eggs first. I sipped my first cup of milk today, though–it’s incredibly good.
Looking back at the milk cure blogs, I can’t tell if anyone has prepared first with a cleansing diet, or if most folks just jumped right in without preparation. Any feedback on this?
Do most people stop taking supplements during the fast?
I’m thinking of having some milk every day leading up to the fast, because it’s so good and satisfying, and I don’t have room in the freezer for all of it. If anyone started late and wants to comment in the coming days, I hope they will. The comments are so helpful and inspiring.
Hi Judy,
I just jumped into the Milk Cure, but did read I was supposed to fast before hand. Unfortunately, I was on medicine that wouldn’t allow me with no food, so that is why I just jumped.
I have kept up with my FCLO throughout the cure and wanted that extra benefit. Being that this is a personal journey fast for everyone. There are really no strict rules. It is great that your are going to be doing this. I look forward to reading your comments on how you are doing as well. 🙂
Hi ! Did you start your fast ? I just got my milk yesterday so today is my first day. It went very well . I worked out , wanted to eat at times but I think that is out of habit because my stomach is not hungry. I hope I can find others to do this fast with me now .
Linda, I haven’t started yet. When I got the milk, I felt like starting immediately–sipping a glass of milk was very satisfying and I didn’t want food. But I put it off a few days so I could use up some produce and pastured eggs. I’ve done that, but now I feel really hungry for food, and I’m having some intestinal and gallbladder symptoms that make me want to put off the fast a few more days. It’s frustrating, but I’m going to freeze most of the milk and make sure I can get more soon.
I hope those of us who started later will keep posting!
OH I am so glad to hear from you Judith. I hope you can start. Here is my email so you can email be so we can do this . [email protected]
This is day #4 for me and i feel great still . No detox ….no lack of energy . I’ve been working out ….. I lost a pound since Friday night but gained it back this morning. But I drink about 3/4 of a gallon a day! Maybe that is just too much . I love to just keep sipping on it . I hope you are feeling better.
Just letting you know that there are probably more doing this Raw Milk Cure Fast, but aren’t posting. I started late, I’m on DAY 4. I’m doing good and very excited about it. I think I’m going to do this twice a year. In the Spring and in the Summer, while milk supplies are plentiful. I’m only going to be able to go through 9 1/2 days, My oldest sons birthday is Sunday and we have plans. At this point, I feel like I could go forever this way. I do love food and have a lot of weight to lose, but I’m doing this more for health than weight, but getting weight off would be fabulous! I realize by others testimonies that the longing to eat will come in a few days. I’m prepared, determined, and resolute not to cheat. Elimination has been great, but it’s pale – I’m thinking it’s just because of the milk diet (like a baby’s). Yesterday I was alternating cold and hot. I’m used to detoxing, so I’ve expected the symptoms. Today I feel better. I’m sleeping really good except for last night. I woke up to use the bathroom, and it was super windy. My lower back was aching a bit and I was restless. Once I got back to sleep, I slept really good until 9:15!!! I didn’t set my alarm because I always wake up when it’s light. Well, I didn’t, I just kept on sleeping!!! I lost 4.6 pounds the first day, but gained one pound back on day 3 and lost it again on day 4. I’m a coffee drinker, but I knew caffeine dehydrates, so I switched to green tea in the morning and herbal tea in the afternoon & evening. I have an aversion to cold water (or even room temperature water) right now. I don’t normally. I had a sinus headache with bleeding & stuffiness before I started the fast. The bleeding stopped on day 1! I am still a little stuffy, but it is different than before. I’m pretty sure it’s a part of the detox. Thank you everyone for your comments – I learned a lot and it was very encouraging! Thank you Sarah, Paula & Richard for making this fast happen, getting the word out, educating us, encouraging us to live healthier lives! I have other friends who are watching my progress (I’m updating thru emails) and they are wanting to start as well, but too many of us doing it at once would overwhelm our cowshare. Again, thank you everyone!
Congrats to everybody who made it all the way through 10 days! I’ve remained quiet this entire time, but my husband and I have decide to do our own milk feast starting two weeks from today. We won’t be fasting with a hundred other people, but you’ve inspired us and we’ll have the benefit of having read about your experiences. I’m curious about the significance of 10 days. Why 10? Why not one week or two weeks? Just curious if it’s a number you came up with on your own or if it’s based in some research of some sort.
10 days is totally arbitrary. Paula did 15 last year and thought it was too long. 1 week seemed too short, so 10 was the number we ended up with. I think the point is that raw milk from cows on green grass is a complete, whole food so if you want to do it for 1 day or 100 days to achieve whatever your health goal is … it doesn’t really matter. You are completely nourished in a way that is so easy for the body to digest the nutrients so healing or cleansing can take place with no stress or nutrient deprivation for the body.
I quit on the fifth day and have to hand it to all you who made it through ten days. I have been eating a lot since, so my appetite wasn’t affected. Dh is on day 11 and still going strong, but our milk is getting low and our supplier is short for now; we’ll see how it goes. He doesn’t care for the thawed milk since the cream clumps a little like butter. He’s had some gum issues which have been doing better with the cleanse, but his breath has not been sweet.