Lab analysis of low temperature pasteurized milk that is also non-homogenized and whether it is a good substitute for raw milk.

My dairy farmer shared an interesting story at our weekly milk drop about one of his grandchildren and her very first experience with cow milk.
This little gal was presented for the very first time with a sippy cup of grassfed, low temp pasteurized, nonhomogenized milk as her Mom was in the process of weaning her off breastmilk.
**The child was already adept at drinking out of a sippy cup herself, so this was not a new experience.
Without hesitation, she refused to drink the low temp, nonhomogenized milk from the sippy cup after an initial taste and turned her head away in rejection.
Undaunted, her mother next presented her with a sippy cup filled with raw grassfed milk.
It is important to note that the milk was from the very same dairy farm.
The only difference is that one sippy cup contained low temp pasteurized, nonhomogenized (cream top) milk and the other sippy cup had raw grassfed milk.
Same cows, same pasture, same everything except one cup of milk was low temp processed and the other was straight from the cow.
Without hesitation, the little toddler grasped the sippy cup full of raw milk and happily began to drink!
My dairy farmer continued to explain that pets will make the same choice if you give them the option of lapping up low temp pasteurized/nonhomogenized milk versus raw milk.
Livestock exhibit similar instincts when it comes to feed as I’ve had many a farmer explain that animals always prefer the natural grain to any mix with GMOs in it.
Of course, if GMO feed is all that you offer, they will eat it. But, given the choice, the healthier option is chosen with no hesitation.
We can learn a lot by observing how healthy children and animals make their food choices!
Microphotography of Minimally Processed and Raw Milk
Scientific examination of the molecular structure of low temp pasteurized, nonhomogenized milk and raw milk provides evidence as to why children and animals will instinctively prefer raw milk.
In research conducted by Beverly Rubik PhD, she demonstrates the striking visual differences between raw milk and nonhomogenized milk that is processed at low temperatures. (1)
Note that frozen raw milk that has been thawed has the same beneficial properties with little loss in nutrition.
Contrary to popular belief, even low temp pasteurization of milk with no homogenization is a very damaging process!
I found this research by Dr. Rubik to be very helpful as I have always recommended to people who have the choice between organic low temp pasteurized, nonhomogenized milk and grassfed raw milk that is not certified organic to always choose the raw milk.
The children have much to teach us. They are so much wiser than we think.
Raw milk is the superior choice to low temp pasteurized, nonhomogenized “cream top” milk.
It is worth the time, effort and cost to source fresh-from-the-cow dairy for your family. There really is no second best.
(1) Microphotography of Raw and Processed Milk
My question with low temp pasteurisation is if corn oil and polysorbate 80 are also added like in other pasteurized products. Also where is the study that celiacs especially to maize are really not lactose intolerant and it’s really the additives of pasteurization. No problem with kefir and hard italian cheeses and clearly pasteurization doesn’t kill all bacteria since it’s recalled more than raw milk products are.
Yes, bingo. Pasteurized products have far more recalls than raw dairy products.
Another alternative would be you can purchase your own cow.This is the safest way to consume
any “raw” milk product. As a Dairy Nutritionist and a Rph.D. this is a good and safe option. A farmer
who operates Oak Knoll Goat Dairy Farm told me about raising a couple goats if you want raw milk
which I have done. Never purchase raw milk “second ” hand.
Thank you.
PS. I will not discuss low temperature pasteurization with you as your mind is already made up. Again,please!! NO
REPLIES are needed.
Remember!! You can purchase raw milk from the cleanest farm in the world.In three words YOU ARE AT RISK no matter
if you know the farmer of not!!
In conclusion “WHAT IF” ? Thank you.No reply is needed to this comment.
David H.Keyishian,Rph D.
The fact of the matter is that pasteurized milk is actually a greater risk for food borne illness than raw milk! CDC data shows this.
I have a question please help as much as you can …my child is two and half years old and I am in Dubai where I can’t find raw milk and I was giving my child yogurt mixed with water in her bottle whenever she needed but it was harming her I don’t know if it’s the making of yogurt or anything else …so I shifted to pasteurized milk organic hormone free fresh full fat and now she drinks this in her bottle whenever she needs and it’s better than the yogurt on her health …my question is that I am aware of harms of pasteurized milk due to which I try to avoid her from drinking a lot of milk and try to give her foods instead …am I doing something wrong by depriving her from milk ? Or I should let her drink one litre milk as mentioned above everyday for her nutritional needs ? Please help
The study linked does not actually include low temp VAT pasteurization, or if it does, it’s not clearly specified… It compares UHT (ultra high temperature) pasteurization with, simply “pasteurized” milk. Presumably this would be high temperature short time Pasteurization (HTST) wich is typical in the industry.
Correction, it *does* specify “pasteurized (heated to 170 degrees F for nineteen seconds)” wich means it is indeed HTST, not low temp VAT.
I was really looking forward to trying the milk delivery in my area of low temp pasteurized non-homogenized milk. First deliver was today. We’ve been exclusively raw milk consumers for the last 3 years and where as my son and husband drink it no problem, either plain or with chocolate added, I’ve never gotten past the different taste it has compared to store bought milk. Thus when I found out a dairy is now delivering in our area the low temp milk I decided to give it a try. I haven’t tasted it yet, but I find I don’t drink the raw milk because I don’t care for it much. I was hoping to get some of the benefits of raw but a milder taste from the low temp pasteurized. Now I’m a bit deflated and not sure what to do…I have not and will not cancel our raw milk herd share just yet, that’s for sure. Thanks for all the information! I’m all about making informed decisions.
I am in the same situation. ☹️
I know raw milk is way better and if I had the choice I would get it but since I don’t I get the grass fed Jersey milk that’s low temp pasteurized and only let my little ones have it occasionally. For them I have them stick to goat kefir or other cultured dairy but sometimes you just want milk! I definitely need to get a milk cow when the Littles are a bit older. Raw milk is definitely a privilege!!
But I think she is more addressing those that have the option and want to know which is better.