Reasons to reconsider water birth due to toxins found in birthing pools and destruction of beneficial flora in the birth canal and vernix caseosa that can compromise proper seeding of baby’s immune system.

Waterbirth has become an established practice in parts of the United States where midwifery is strong and natural childbirth is popular. It is also gaining momentum in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Germany.
Advocates of water birth say that it is safe, offering Mom drug-free pain relief, better oxygenation during labor and a calm, peaceful entrance into the world for baby as the warm water simulates the intrauterine environment.
In addition, the umbilical cord pulsates longer after water birth, helping to remove damaged red blood cells from the baby’s circulation which reduces the risk of neonatal jaundice.
I birthed all three of my children naturally in a birth center with only a midwife and a birthing assistant in attendance. I chose to use a birthing tub briefly during labor with my first child.
I did experience some pain relief from the experience. I was particularly grateful to have the birthing tub available as an option during the challenging transition phase.
The decision to give birth in a tub is a lot more significant than the decision to labor in one, however.
Alarming Effects of Water Birth Few Mothers Are Told
The decision to labor or give birth in the water should be approached with extreme caution, and it is disturbing that the very real health risks of water birth are not typically discussed in prenatal examination rooms.
Not a single one of my prenatal exams over the span of three full-term pregnancies ever covered the risks discussed below nor were they even mentioned in passing.
A concern rarely if ever mentioned about water birth is the significant chlorine exposure that both mother and baby experience during the labor and delivery process.
Many mothers who are careful to filter their drinking water during pregnancy to remove chlorine and other toxins seem to give little to no thought about soaking for hours in the very same water or giving birth to their precious newborn in it.
Bathing or showering in tap water is known to expose a person to a significant amount of outgassed chlorine that is absorbed via inhalation and the skin.
For example, taking a seven-minute shower in treated city tap water (pool water would be much worse) exposes a person to more chlorine, disinfection byproducts (DPBs), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) than by drinking a gallon of tap water. (1)
This absorption happens in two ways according to Dr. Mercola:
- The chlorine that enters your lungs is in the form of chloroform, a carcinogen, and chlorite, a byproduct of chlorine dioxide. These forms of chlorine hit your bloodstream instantly before they have a chance to be removed by your organs of detoxification.
- The DBPs that enter your body through your skin also go directly into your bloodstream. And the warmer the water, the more the absorption of toxins is maximized by the skin.
Chlorinated Water Harms Birth Microbiome
The most insidious result of exposure to treated water during the water birth process is the adverse effect on gut flora. Most water births use chlorinated tap water straight out of the faucet attached to the birthing pool.
According to Dr. Zoltan P. Rona, M.D., chlorinated water destroys most strains of friendly intestinal (and vaginal) flora, known as probiotics. (2)
The compromise to bodily flora comes at a time when the baby’s gut needs to be seeded properly with the beneficial microbes that will guard the health and bolster immunity for a lifetime.
Any beneficial microbes present in Mom’s birth canal will be either weakened, destroyed, or severely damaged by exposure to the chlorinated water by the time baby passes through.
While colostrum and breastmilk also contain beneficial bacteria, there is a wider variety of strains in a healthy mother’s gut and birth canal than in breastmilk alone.
Babies born via C-section are also not properly seeded with beneficial bacteria from the birth canal, which may explain why they are 5 times as likely to develop allergies by age two as babies born vaginally. (3)
Think about it … all that work you have done with your diet for 9 months limiting sugar, consuming fermented foods and taking probiotic supplements to optimally prepare the birth canal for baby’s birth potentially wiped away (literally) by choosing water birth.
In addition, exposure of the baby’s skin to the chlorine and other chemicals in the birthing pool tap water destroys the healthy living biofilm on the baby’s skin called the vernix caseosa which should be ideally loaded with probiotics from passage through Mom’s birth canal. (4)
The vernix is protective of the baby’s delicate skin and has anti-infective and antioxidant properties. It should never be exposed to toxic chemicals like chlorine or wiped/washed off until it comes off naturally some days after birth. (5)
Moreover, the moist air in the delivery room coming off the warm birthing tub water (filled with tap water) is the first air that baby breathes, and it is contaminated with chloroform, VOCs, and carcinogenic disinfection by-products like trihalomethanes.
Not exactly the optimal air to be filling baby’s lungs with at birth, don’t you think? The picture below shows a mother nursing her baby for the first time right in the birth pool!
Remaining in the birth pool for some time after birth is very common and exposes the new baby’s fragile lungs to very contaminated water and toxic air off-gassing from the birthing pool.
What About Untreated or Filtered Water?
Unfortunately, using untreated well water for a water birth isn’t much better.
Below is a list of some of the toxins commonly found in natural well water from contaminated runoff due to dumping by the millions of pounds into soils every single year: (6)
- Herbicides (like Roundup, proven to damage beneficial flora)
- pesticides
- estrogen-mimicking hormones
- drug residues
- heavy metals
Filtering the water would be a much better alternative, but the risk of infection is increased due to the lack of chlorine as a disinfectant to maintain water hygiene.
A study in 2004 of the water in a birth pool that had been filtered and thoroughly cleaned found high concentrations of the pathogens E. coli, coliform, staph, and P. aeruginosa. (7)
One report found that a baby in Texas died from contracting Legionnaires’ Disease from a contaminated birthing pool.
The infant was born in a tub full of well water that hadn’t been disinfected and died after 19 days in the hospital. (8)
Given the unsanitary nature of the water in a birthing pool after potentially hours of labor and delivery, it is not hard to understand the risks from contamination.

Vernix Caseosa Damage
One final note on using filtered or untreated well water for water birth: this will still at least partially remove the baby’s beneficial, protective biofilm called the vernix caseosa from patting the wet baby down with a towel.
The vernix should never be compromised in any manner until it flakes away itself in the days following birth.
The vernix protects the baby from infection and has antioxidant properties affecting immunity that science does not yet fully understand. (9)
In contrast, babies born “on land” do not need to be patted down with a towel because they aren’t wet at birth except in the very rare case of a baby born in the caul, which isn’t an ideal scenario as baby doesn’t get exposure to Mom’s flora in the birth canal when born in the bag of waters.
My third baby would have been born in the caul, but I asked the midwife to break the bag of waters just before I started to push so that my daughter would get exposure to my beneficial flora and have her immune system properly seeded during birth.
Other Water Birth Dangers
Waterbirth supporter and midwife Annie Sprague, author of the book Water Labor, Water Birth, refutes the 2005 warning by the American Academy of Pediatrics on water births which states,
The safety and efficacy of underwater birth for the newborn has not been established. There is no convincing evidence of benefit to the neonate but some concern for serious harm. (10)
Ms. Sprague asserts that current research has shown that babies do not breathe underwater at the time of birth so concerns for water inhalation are unfounded.
While some studies have shown benefits to water birth, a 2003 retrospective study found little to no benefit to the infant and no clear evidence of reduced labor duration or risk of tears. (11)
In addition, a 2004 review of the medical literature found 74 articles and 16 citations of infants who experienced serious complications from water birthing. These included death, drowning, near-drowning, waterborne bacterial infections, cord rupture, and fever. (12)
Even under the best of circumstances, water birth is not an option for some pregnant women. Waterbirth contraindications include: (13)
- Women who do not want to be in the water when laboring or giving birth.
- Women who have a fear of the water.
- Women who are less than 37 weeks gestation.
- Women who show increased maternal pulse rate.
- Situations where maternal fever or infection (including herpes) is present.
- Decreased fetal heart rate during labor.
- Any concerns regarding the health of the fetus.
- Maternal preeclampsia.
- Complicated or overly lengthy labor.
- Less than ideal fetal presentation.
- Women who have used a narcotic analgesic within the previous three hours.
Best to Pass on Water Birthing
It is surely a pleasant experience to labor and birth in water.
Pleasant should not be confused with safe, however.
I had a very positive experience with water labor as it eased my discomfort during the transition, and I felt much more relaxed which obviously improved blood flow to my baby.
However, pregnant women need to be fully apprised of the risks to their babies’ health and their own if water birth is attempted, and as of this writing, this is occurring in few prenatal examination rooms.
The biggest risk of water birth, it seems, is the very real potential of the decimation of beneficial microbial populations in the birth canal from exposure to toxic chlorinated tap water such that the baby’s gut (via mouth contact with the birth canal) is not properly seeded at birth. Lack of beneficial flora in Mom’s birth canal means that the vernix caseosa, which is ideally supposed to be a living biofilm, will not be exposed to probiotics either.
Why so many in the natural health community are flippant about the risks to baby’s microbiota from water birthing is concerning! This is especially true given the almost daily research coming out about how CRUCIAL good gut flora is to lifelong health.
Even if filtered water is used, there is the risk of infection from contaminated water (e.g., many women defecate when pushing). The protective biofilm called the vernix caseosa on the baby’s skin would be exposed to these contaminants and then partially washed/wiped away. This protective coating has anti-infective and antioxidant properties that science believes may affect innate immunity. It should never be exposed to contamination or inadvertently tampered with via towel drying.
The second biggest risk is the absorption of dangerous and carcinogenic toxins from skin contact and breathing outgassed chlorine and other chemicals present in treated water. And what about the toxic chemical cleaners used to disinfect the tub itself by hospital or birthing center personnel? Obviously, this can be controlled in home birth, but not elsewhere. And, finally, the risks of other complications including death from drowning, while small, are very real.
If you absolutely must have a water birth because the pain management and relaxation benefits really work for you, here’s a good compromise: Labor in the water (make sure the water is filtered [this one is a good model to consider] and the tub was cleaned with non-toxic, green cleaners) and then get out when it is time to push.
This approach won’t negatively affect your vaginal flora, and you won’t expose your baby to pathogens in the filtered water that has no chemicals in it as disinfectant nor will there be any risk to the integrity of the vernix caseosa.
Author Sally Fallon Morell, author of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care, summarizes it well:
“So, despite glowing reviews, water birth should be embraced with caution.”
(1) Tap Water Toxins. Is Your Water Trying to Kill You?
(2, 4) Rethinking Chlorinated Tap Water
(3) C-Section Babies 5 Times More Likely To Develop Allergies
(5) Wait! Don’t Wash That Newborn!
(6) The Quickest, Easiest Way to Help Detoxify Your Body
(7, 13) The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Childcare
(8) Texas Infant Dies of Legionnaires’ Disease After ‘Water Birth’
(9) Unraveling The Mystery of Vernix Caseosa
(10) Water Labor, Water Birth
(11) Water Birth: experience at a university clinic and a district hospital in Austria
(12) The Risks of Underwater Birth
When i first asked my midwife what she thought about water birth she said that we are made to be on land and that her idea was that were are probably not meant to birth in the water. She would still do a waterbirth for a mom if the mom wanted it. I’m so grateful for her response and I’ve never had a waterbirth with any of my seven children. I do end up in a hot shower during transition though! This post confirms her suspicion!
Mother’s intuition is very powerful and we ignore it at our peril! Glad to hear that there are midwives out there with some critical thinking skills and not just knee jerk reacting against conventional childbirth abuses in the hospital.
Also, water birth is an upsell at birthing centers, so some women may be talked into it due to financial incentives. Just something to consider in addition to the health issues it presents to baby.
This could explain so much. I often have homeopathic clients with gut issues whose mothers did all the “right” things (no jabs, traditional foods, etc.), including water births.
I am so glad to be reading this. I had a water birth with my first daughter and I was in there for a very long time and she has a terrible immune system and gets sick almost monthly and I’ve been battling this since she began kindergarten and she is now in seventh grade. I’ve been trying to figure out why for years and I’m wondering if this is just it. I had a water birth with my second son, but was already at a 10 ready to push when I got in the water as I barely made it to the hospital. And no water birth with my third. Another part of me is wishing I didn’t read this because now I feel so frustrated thinking perhaps I am the cause of why she has an unhealthy immune system. I’ve searched for so much help and done everything I can and nothing seems to make a difference. I really hope people start to realize this about water births.
Thank you for sharing your story. It’s important for holistic-minded people to understand that there are plenty of unhealthful therapies and practices on our side of the spectrum too! Just because a protocol is pushed by an alternative practioner like a midwife, does not mean it is safe for you or your baby. You must always do your own research and think very critically about the information you read to come to your own common sense conclusions.
My first child was born in an installed (not portable) birthing tub. The risks you mention were never even thought of, much less discussed, so I have no idea what was in the water or if a filter was used. With my son, I wanted to use the birthing tub but he came quickly and the tub didn’t fill enough to get in. I honestly can’t tell any differences between their birth outcomes or health as a result of tub or no tub. Both were breastfed and are healthy with no allergies or health issues.
So glad all is well!
Hi there, I read your article with open ears and eyes as I wanted to know the disadvantages of water birth. Upon doing my own individual research through One Search as a student at The University of Western Australia, this website offers Journal papers and peer reviewed articles to be accessible and reviewed for our own research purposes. And out of curiosity I looked at your references. None of which were reliable. I also looked through many Journals to see supporting evidence to your claims. However there were none that even state this as a disadvantage. I feel like this is a gross overgeneralisation and poorly analysed article. If anyone is reading this and wondering where they can find accessible evidence based research on water births and doesn’t have the luxury of being a student, I highly recommend looking at the website I will link which compares the studies of waterbirth vs land births with pure evidence only. No bias or agenda. I am currently 18 weeks pregnant and trying to be as informed as possible from the right sources only.
Sometimes, waiting for the “evidence” results in a poor decision down the road. I can’t tell you how many times I didn’t do a treatment or follow a particular protocol for my children that was “recommended” by a healthcare practitioner (alternative ones too) which later on down the road, was proven to be harmful!
Use your common sense this one … true there haven’t been any large-scale studies on waterbirth and the injuries haven’t been widespread, but the damage to your newborn’s microbiome is OBVIOUS and very REAL … anyone suggesting it isn’t a big deal is LYING to you or completely misinformed. Scientists are only now beginning to understand just how important the microbiome seeding is at birth and how it affects your child’s immune system FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE. Why risk this in exchange for a trendy, dubious practice that is “cool” within the natural birthing community? Birth is not about YOU. It is about THE BABY and making the experience as beneficial as possible for their lifelong thriving.
Who in their right mind would birth a land based mammal in water that is either (A) treated with CHEMICALS (B) contains fecal matter and other microbial content that could cause infection or worse.
It was obvious to me when I was pregnant with my children that this was the wrong way to go.
“And out of curiosity I looked at your references. None of which were reliable. ” None of which were reliable? Really? Firstly, Ms. Pope wouldn’t unreliable references. Secondly, Nature didn’t design birthing to happen in water. Although it can provide a less painful experience (also admitted by Ms. Pope) it’s much more risky for the exact reasons Ms. Pope stated. I suggest you need to read her article again. Like she said, I encourage you to use your common sense.
This is fascinating information.
As much as I like to do things naturally, I’ve never been a fan of the water birth idea for myself, but I had no idea there were risks that could actually make it harmful.
It’s surprising what natural things can end up having more risks than we realize. I researched and compared the risks of home birth versus hospital birth and was shocked at some of my findings.
Thank you for bringing this topic to light. I think this Information should be shared with any mama considering a water birth.