Diet and supplement changes for resolving endometriosis naturally along with suggested holistic modalities that can speed the healing process.
Official statistics estimate that between 6-10% of women suffer from endometriosis.
From the size and selection of menstrual pain remedies at the pharmacy, however, it seems that most women are completely unaware that curing endometriosis naturally is indeed possible.
What are Endometriosis Symptoms?
Endometriosis occurs when the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, grows and thrives beyond the uterine cavity. The most common location for endometrial lesions to occur is the lining of the abdominal cavity, called the peritoneum.
Women with endometriosis suffer most commonly from pelvic pain, especially during the menstrual cycle. Â This pain can be debilitating and even threatening to health from excessive blood loss.
In addition to pain and bleeding sometimes all month long, endometriosis is also credited with as much as 50% of cases of infertility.
Other signs and symptoms of endometriosis include the following: (1)
- Pain before and during your period. Note that toxic feminine hygiene products can exacerbate the problem.
- Lower back pain.
- Pain during or after intercourse.
- Fatigue, infertility, chronic pelvic pain not just during your period.
- Painful bowel movements, constipation, diarrhea, painful urination during your period.
- Irregular or heavy periods.
When endometriosis involves the ovaries, tissue can grow and bleed over time forming what is called chocolate cysts. (2)
Conventional Treatments of Little Help
Unfortunately, if a woman visits her gynecologist about symptoms or complications related to endometriosis, only medication to control the pain or surgery for severe cases is all that is typically recommended.
If infertility is the result of endometriosis and a woman wishes to get pregnant, expensive fertility treatments are the order of the day.
This approach does not resolve the problem, however. In fact, it may actually worsen a woman’s hormonal balance over time causing other health issues later.
Endometriosis Relief Naturally
Fortunately, there is growing recognition that the pain and inflammation which characterizes endometriosis can be improved dramatically or even resolved completely with diet.
I myself suffered from endometriosis starting when I was a teenager. Diet change alone with no other treatments whatsoever completely resolved the problem. I’ve been in complete remission now for well over 20 years.
If you are also experiencing symptoms of endometriosis, there is hope! Whether the problems are new to you or longstanding, diet change combined with holistic therapies as needed work extremely well.
The reputable clinic Biodynamic Wellness in Solana Beach, California reports that the following dietary changes and holistic therapies below have proven to be very helpful to patients battling endometriosis.
If you need more detailed assistance, this clinic does zoom or phone consultations for those who do not live in the area.
Dietary Recommendations
Change of diet is crucial for natural resolution of endometriosis. Suggestions include both food and supplements to encourage the process.
- One tablespoon of high vitamin cod liver oil TWICE daily for 60 days.  After that, a daily teaspoon per day is sufficient for maintenance. Please note that most cod liver oil brands on the market extract the oil using heat. This processing alters the integrity of the oil and destroys nutrients. This source and this source both carry high quality brands that are raw and tested for purity.
- Traditional Diet with special emphasis on daily dietary fats. These include raw butter, ghee, and/or X-factor raw butter oil, egg yolks, organ meats and fish roe. (3) This article on five healthy fats to use in the kitchen can provide more specifics.
Holistic Therapies
Holistic therapies that can be implemented as needed in conjunction with Traditional Diet for curing endometriosis include:
- Rubus ideaus gemmotherapy, at a dosage of 1/2 tsp in water twice daily. What is gemmotherapy? It is a therapy that uses stem cell extracts of fresh buds, shoots, roots or stems from embryonic or mature plants. This modality is helpful for tissue regeneration, positive growth development and drainage of toxins. Rubus idaeus is derived from the shoots of the red raspberry bush. It is an effective remedy for drainage of the uterus and pelvic region. It also helps to tonify the uterus. Contact the staff at for where to source.
- Use a castor oil pack once daily or nightly over the liver and pelvic region. Details on how to make and use a castor oil pack properly for reducing pelvic inflammation can be found at the link.
- Coffee enemas can be a helpful addition to the process as needed. See the linked article for details.
Are you are one of the millions of women suffering month after month with the debilitating effects of endometriosis?
Instead of bombarding your body with drugs or resorting to surgery to manage the problem, try diet change first!
This combined with holistic methods for curing endometriosis naturally will give you much-needed permanent and nontoxic relief!
(1) Â Endometriosis: Treatment, Symptoms, and Causes
(2) Ovarian Cysts: Symptoms, Causes, Types, and Treatment
(3) Traditional Dietary Guidelines
I would highly recommend joining the Facebook group Nancy’s Nook Endometriosis Education. I definitely agree with many of the comments following this article such as dietary changes, avoiding chemicals in products, etc. but for those that are still suffering after attempting these changes, you may need a different approach. Nancy’s Nook is a wealth of information and a very helpful tool.
I helped my daughter’s friend by giving her angelica root to chew on. This can ease pain from endometriosis very quickly.
I had endometriosis a couple of years ago and first I treated it with herbs using a protocol I found in a handy herbal remedy book. It stopped the pain, but it was pretty expensive and time consuming to take the herbs continuously. Then I worked with a homeopathic practitioner and the pain was gone after a few doses of a constitutional remedy.
Hi Sarah,
Thank you so much for this awesome article! I was just diagnosed with endometriosis on Friday. I have spent the weekend reading on how to cure it naturally, as only drugs and surgery have been offered as solutions by my doctors. Do you notice any recurrence or symptoms when eating einkorn, red meat or dairy? I was reading some sources that said wheat, red meat and dairy can all contribute to endometriosis and should be avoided forever. Your thoughts would be so appreciated. Thank you for all you do to help us live healthy lives!!
Wheat, red meat and dairy are not bad foods if you get them high quality such as grassfed and organic. Dairy should only be raw or cultured. Some people are able to reintroduce without a problem. It is very individualized.
I want to share that I followed the cod liver oil protocol a few years back. I used the high quality, I think green pastures was the brand. It was expensive. Let me tell you I sure wish I’d known about it in my younger years. I suffered for so many years with all of the extreme pains. After faithfully consuming, I always used the cinnamon one, all of my problems were gone. Now I’ve gotten through menopause so those issues are not present. I would recommend the CLO therapy to anyone willing to listen and try it. Btw, It’s natural health and healing for me the past 15 years. I didn’t doctor a lot before that and I yes surgery, hysterectomy, was the option that I just didn’t want either. God bless you!
Is the Carlson’s brand of Cod liver oil ok?
It really isn’t, unfortunately. It is heat treated and the company removes much of the natural vitamin A and D so that it isn’t at therapeutic levels for endometriosis. See my shopping guide page for vetted brands that are appropriate for this purpose.
Thank you for this information! I had surgery for this that included removal of one overt and ablation throughout. My question is, was this necessary? Could I have done something to shrink or dissolve the overgrowth?