How did this happen??
When I attended grade school, children simply exchanged little cards or notes for Valentine’s Day. Somehow, in the years since, Valentine’s Day has morphed into a feeding frenzy with loads and loads of candy and other sweets taking center stage. I was SHOCKED when my two boys came home from school on Wednesday with literally, a shoe box each FULL of candy given out by classmates for Valentine’s Day.
Not only that, each class had a party with juice, cookies, and other refined carbs to stuff the kids with before sending them home with enough candy to keep their sinuses clogged and noses running at least until the Easter candy fest starts all over again.
You are right on! Love this and thanks for sharing!
I had to keep my 3 year old home from preschool 2 days this week because of the V day parties. Of course I still had to pay for the days…
That so sad but true
🙂 I talked about this yesterday after my son had his preschool party. I was happy that some people chose to do things other then candy, but there still was too much candy. When he wasn’t looking I took out all the dyed stuff and left him a few piece of chocolate that he wanted to share with me.
🙂 I talked about this yesterday after my son had his preschool party. I was happy that some people chose to do things other then candy, but there still was too much candy. When he wasn’t looking I took out all the dyed stuff and left him a few piece of chocolate that he wanted to share with me.
The problem is that it is rationalized that it is a “special” occasion, it’s a “treat”, or “it only comes once a year”. Of course that is also said about Halloween, Christmas, Easter, and every birthday in between… no one seems to realize all these “once a year” treats add up to a LOAD of crap!
Can you complain to the school?
Thank you for the post! I agree, there is waaaay too much candy being eaten (during day to day living) and I think Valentine’s Day is one of the worst “eat-all-the-candy-you-can” days.
My son is at school at a Valentine’s Day party, along with the celebration of our statehood in Arizona (they’ll have birthday cake there too, along with all the treats parents are sending in).
We’ve been able to take care of the Holidays and Halloween (we have a Candy Fairy that comes. The kids leave their candy out for her and she leaves them a small toy – it makes it fun!)
My son is going to come home crazy today and I’ll just have to moderate whatever he brings home.
I just read in The Mood Cure that sugar used to be called “crack” and it was known to be highly addictive. (sigh}
I’m going to bring some cheese cubes to my kids party this afternoon.
As moms it is all about balance. Glad I have taught my kids this.