By Fitness Editor Paula Jager CSCS, Owner of Crossfit Jaguar
Several years ago, my life was transformed by traditional diet and consistent and regular physical exercise. I’ve witnessed the same in more clients than I can count since then which is why I can’t fathom why anyone would choose the path of inactivity and poor nutrition.
It is most certainly a route to dis-ease and decrepitness. Having been in the fitness business for almost 2 decades, I have heard every excuse in the book. I’d like to hear from you. If physical exercise is not a part of your life–WHY isn’t it? Here are the top excuses I have heard over the years.
10. I just had a baby. Children are wonderful, they change your life but that doesn’t mean you don’t find time to exercise and eat right. You want to be around for them, setting a shining example and raising them to be the best they can be, right? The nutrition is the easy part–the part of which you have control. It should be the same as yours except for the portions/ratios because they are growing. They shouldn’t have processed snack crackers, french fries from Micky D’s and neither should you. Get your exercise in while your spouse watches the children; if that is not an option, while they are napping or if they are older exercise together. Many gyms have childcare and mommy classes, neighborhood women get together arranging child care and alternating workout days.
9. I can’t afford a gym membership. You don’t have to join a gym to exercise. There are several more affordable options such as your local community centers, walking or running, working out at home, in the park, workout videos and using your own bodyweight.
8. It’s my hormones–I’m going through menopause. That is a normal part of a women’s life–not a disease. I’m 53 and we have several fit females in their 50’s and 60’s at my box. Age is just a number especially when you are moving regularly and feeling great as a result.
7. I have health challenges. In the majority of cases, this is due to eating poorly and inactivity. You can’t sit around and cry the blues as this won’t accomplish anything. I can’t tell you how many people (primarily women) with thyroid/autoimmune issues just blatantly refuse to get off the gluten. That is not always the only cause but it sure isn’t helping matters and is a vital first step. High blood pressure or diabetic? Get rid of the refined carbohydrates and get off the couch. Orthopedic concerns? These are valid, however, there are many ways around them through substituting or modifying exercises. Cancer, chemo treatment etc yes, this is very real and very difficult and something I hope to never experience, but exercising and doing what you can will give you the best chance to overcome and improve quality of life through the process.
6. I don’t know how to exercise. This is a popular excuse but one that won’t fly with the wealth of information at your fingertips. Work with a qualified personal trainer to help you establish a program and learn proper form and technique. Or if #9 is a problem use one of the many free fitness and weight loss programs available online.
5. I want to but I have to take care of the kids and family. Who says you have to neglect your family to exercise? Making the time to workout will not only give you the energy you need for a busy schedule, but it shows your kids and spouse what it means to be healthy. Find a health club with a daycare center, do videos at home or if they are old enough have them participate with you.
4. I don’t see change in my body–it makes me bulky. Weight training/exercising doesn’t make you bulky – cupcakes do. You didn’t put that weight on overnight and it won’t come off quickly either. It could take up to 12 weeks before you start seeing major changes. Make sure you’ve set realistic goals and your nutrition is the first place to troubleshoot.
3. Exercise hurts, I don’t like it. If you haven’t worked out for a decade, ease into it, start light with the weights and volume and progress in small increments. Take a rest day when you need it. Find something you like, it can be group fitness with a social aspect, training solo or a recreational sport or activity. It does not have to take place in the gym.
2. I can’t make the commitment–I keep quitting. Quitters never win although doing too much too soon, setting unrealistic goals, not knowing what you are doing and soreness can definitely be a deterrent. Start slowly with small, short term goals and plan ahead by putting it on your calendar making exercise a priority. Work with a trainer, mix it up, change your workouts and avoid skipping them. Make it a priority.
1. I just don’t have time. Who does these days? While I do not have children I work about 70 hours a week. Fight it though I may, I am sometimes a slave to the 24/7 pace of today’s’ technology driven world. What I have found is that the act of physical fitness 4 days a week enables me to continue at this pace with boundless energy and at a “mature” age. We make the time for things that are important to us. Schedule it in and stick to it. Adapt and be flexible if the routine sometimes needs to be changed. Cut out the unimportant — surfing the net, watching television etc.
Any of these excuses sound familiar? If so, don’t ask others why they do, ask yourself why you don’t. Sound off in the comments section if your reason wasn’t listed or you have additional ideas to share. I want to hear from you.
About the Author
Paula Jager CSCS and Level 1 CrossFit and CF Nutrition Certified is the owner of CrossFit Jaguar. Her exercise and nutrition programs yield life changing results.
You can connect with her on Facebook by clicking here.
I believe there are some health conditions where not exercising beyond short walks is beneficial. For example, if you have adrenal fatigue you should address your issue dietarily until you have the energy to exercise.
Initially, I read this article and then all the comments and found myself getting more and more defensive. However, upon going back and re-reading all of your comments, I can see you are really trying to offer answers for all of the excuses in earnest. I think the reason some of us feel so defensive is because the answers really reflect a lack of understanding – as if every single issue commented here is solely an excuse that if the person really wanted to, s/he could overcome.
Additionally, the comments seem to indicate the idea that if you aren’t “doing it right,” you just don’t understand or have the knowledge to do so. As someone who has spent all of her adult life struggling with health issues and trying to stay fit simultaneously, and as someone who has studied nutrition and fitness for years, and as someone who has 6 years of medical training to become a holistic doctor, this is really frustrating. Of course, not all of the readers have that background, but the point is the same. Just because people are struggling to exercise and feel well, does not mean they have no understanding of how it works.
Of course, you can’t know all that and you are doing your best to offer suggestions. I appreciate that. However, your comments insinuate those who are successful are so because of “intelligent training” as if those of us who aren’t just don’t know better. This is where it gets insulting and puts me on the defense. It’s the lack of perspective and compassion. I’m not saying you lack compassion – I’m saying that is not coming through in your responses. For someone with six pack abs who has dedicated her life to fitness and exercise to equate having children, or in my case a child with autism, to having 2 cats and juvenile coworkers really exemplifies this.
I wish that for one month, someone in your shoes, could experience what it’s like to physiologically and emotionally struggle to keep weight off every single day while eating healthfully and being active. That you could experience what it’s like to eat that “one organic raw ice cream treat” and then struggle for 3 weeks to lose the pound it caused you to gain overnight. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone for a lifetime because that would be cruel! But I do wish some people could experience it because I think it would broaden their empathy in ways that reading about it just can’t.
For whatever reason, our physical body status has become open to a free pass of judgment by others in society. It is painful. You are in a position to help those who struggle like this. I know you mean well and you are right – every single thing posted here is an excuse. But some of them are very valid and some of us are looking for the answers to make those excuses go away. Some of us aren’t looking for the easy way out or validation to not exercise because of those excuses. I ask that you have the compassion and understanding to see that and perhaps channel that into your answers and every day life.
I start doing T-Tapp and I love it, I can work out 15 to 30 minutes a day and feel great and it control my hormone problems.
I agree that exercise is important. It is hard for many of us to fit into our lives. I am more fit now because of an extreme and stressful situation the last several months of moving and downsizing while doing all the other things I have to do in life. I’d like to keep it up.
I read your article anticipating an answer, maybe some inspiration. Instead it was simply shaming. Those of us who are getting older have many health issues to deal with, perhaps, osteoporosis, years of bad posture and poor lifting. My biggest help was Physical Therapy. I got such a great help from some, actually very simple, exercises, which ended up curing my back and knee pain.
While moving, I was able to carry boxes up and down stairs which would have been impossible prior to PT.
Now I want to keep up the weight bearing work and such and am looking for anything that can inspire me.
Your article went flat as far as I’m concerned.
A lot of people here are concerned about gaining weight. One woman even commented that they are working out and eating only 1200 calories a day. 1200 calories a day?!? I would be starving!
When a person does not eat enough food the body starts to store it to protect against starvation. I recommend and Eating The Food ( to help learn how much food you require to live healthily. The facebook group is extremely supportive and has helped me stop gaining weight (by adding more calories) and to start doing a kettlebell routine a couple times a week to get stronger and protect my body against injury.
I’ve suffered from adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues for many years…exercising was painful and draining. I started with small (5 pound weights) and light walking only a couple times a week and worked my way up to 10 pound weights in about a year. Its was smart of me to start slow and grow as I felt able. I now feel stronger and have more energy. I also really enjoy eating about 3000 calories a day and continue to loss weight and tone my body.
Good luck to all of you who wish to embark on a similar journey. We are all capable of pushing through our fears and pains to be healthier people.
How inspiring Rachel to hear from somone that skipped the excuses and forged straight ahead to results! And yes, 1200 calories a day is close to starvation. Intelligent training and nutrition. To continued health!
You both need to go back and read my post again! I was eating 1200 calories a day because I was nursing my son who had autism and was allergic to gluten/casein/soy/corn, all nuts and seeds, and many fruits and vegetables. There are only so many calories you can get from such a restricted diet. But I had no choice as if I ate those things it made my son violently sick. And yes, I was STARVING! My point was how my adrenals had been affected and how even though I was starving, I lost no weight for 6 months.
Geez people, so judgmental! “Intelligence training” – insulting!
Erica, no one is judging you. It is scientifically known that anything less than 1200 calories puts your body in starvation mode for a healthy person. 1200 is not near enough for someone who is breast feeding as you burn an extra 300-500 calories per day. You were unknowingly putting your body in starvation mode which is why your body held on to everything you ate. It is a survival mechanism built into our bodies. You can eat such a restricted diet and still include all the calories you need. Fat is a very big source of calories and your body needs fat. Along with meat and include what fruits and veggies you can eat. You may have to go against traditional wisdom (i.e. FDA recommendations), but you can do it and be healthy for both you and your child.
1. I hate exercising.
2. I hate sweating
3. One shower a day is plenty
4. Work out clothes = more laundry (I already have plenty thank you)
5. I am prone to stress fractures in my feet so I am advised to not run or jump. Walking and standing are ok. I got stress fractures in high school and college sports, so no more of those.
6. Like Sarah, I have so many other things I would rather do, like curl up with a good book or play a board game with the kids. Or sleep.
7. Find me a gym with free child care outside of 10-2pm or late hours past 9pm, less than a 10 minute drive away, and I might think harder about it. Might.