9 Recipes
Fish recipes are my go to dinner choice when I have only a few minutes to prepare something hot and freshly made.
The reason is that when you get pre-cut fillets, they thaw out in minutes in a bowl of warm water and then cook in a matter of five minutes. I keep bags of different types of wild fish fillets in the freezer for these quick and easy dinners.
Many people avoid healthy fish recipes believing they are hard to cook, but I disagree. An easy way to prepare fish for whatever recipe you need is to place a fillet skin side up on a pat of butter and toast in the toaster oven on dark. Yes, use the “toast” setting! After the toaster oven beeps, just leave the fish in there for another few minutes to continue to cook in its own juices.
Pare with some chopped veggies on the side, and a nutritious fish dinner is ready to eat!