I like Dr. Weil. I think he’s a nice guy and a thoughtful individual. He is obviously a very intelligent person with many respectable accomplishments throughout his storied career.
But, have I ever listened to him for nutritional advice?
No way, no how, not ever.
Here’s why.
Just like other conventional sources of health information, the deal is always changing. How can a person ever truly follow a healthy lifestyle if the dietary recommendations are in constant flux?
Case in point: Dr. Weil recently announced on his website that he is no longer recommending low-fat dairy products.
For those of you who are still buying skim milk and lowfat yogurt based on his adamant advice for many years thinking this was going to help shrink that backside and save you from heart disease, this may come as quite a shock.
21 Studies: Saturated Fat Does Not Cause Heart Disease
Dr. Weil’s reasoning as to why his “thinking on saturated fat has evolved” is based on a thorough analysis of 21 studies which showed that saturated fat is not associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
These 21 studies in total included nearly 350,000 people the majority of whom were healthy at the start of each study. These folks were followed for between 5 and 23 years and over this span of time, 11,000 developed heart disease or had a stroke.
Researchers examining the dietary intake for these thousands of participants found no difference in the risk of “coronary heart disease, stroke, or coronary vascular disease between those individuals with the lowest and highest intake of saturated fat.”
Here’s the kicker.
An apparently dumbfounded Dr. Weil writes that these findings go “completely against the conventional medical wisdom of the past 40 years. It now appears that many studies used to support the low-fat recommendation had serious flaws.”
Why Are You Still Listening To Conventional Health Advice?
My hat is off to Dr. Weil for coming to his senses, but the fact is that he should have recognized this crucial error long ago!
The clear cut data that saturated fat intake has absolutely zero to do with heart disease and other vascular ailments has been around for decades ever since Dr. Mary Enig, former Vice President of the Weston A. Price Foundation and currently Board Member Emeritus, blew the whistle on the scam ages ago and paid for her forthrightness and courage by having her research career blackballed.
What took you so long Andrew?? This is no minor “oops” on your part after all.
Dr. Weil’s 180 on saturated fat begs the obvious question.
What other nutritional errors are still being promoted by Dr. Weil and others like him from “respected and credible” outlets for health advice?
The answer is that there is a lot these TV talking heads promote that is way off the mark.
Having a medical or nutrition degree is no guarantee that the advice given is correct, not by a long shot.
How to Eat Healthy For the Long Term
Does Dr. Weil finally have it right about saturated fat?
While his thinking on saturated fat has clearly “evolved” and he is now promoting full fat dairy, he is still off the reservation unfortunately.
For example, Dr. Weil still recommends skinless chicken and turkey and limiting saturated fat intake to 10% of daily calories in the diet. On what basis is he recommending no more than 10% of calories from saturated fat?
There is no basis for this recommendation! It is being pulled completely out of thin air! There is not a single shred of evidence that this recommendation is wise.
How do you know how much saturated fat you should be eating then?
How about looking to the past for your wisdom instead of an ever changing tide of conventional health opinion?
Dead people don’t seek profits or try to influence your buying habits, do they?
Dead people also don’t lie. You can simply examine what they did, see what the results were and objectively assess whether or not their methods were successful.
For these reasons, seeking the wisdom of Traditional Cultures who ate saturated fat with abandon and emphasized them in the diet is the simplest and best approach to health.
If you are tired of changing health advice and your head is spinning from the myriad approaches to eating that are promoted nowadays, I encourage you to take a look at the research of Dr. Weston A. Price, author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, a book that is virtually guaranteed to forever change the way you view health and wellness.
Dr. Price traveled the world in the early 1900’s and documented the vibrant health of 14 preindustrialized cultures. What these cultures emphasized for health is very different from what Dr. Weil promotes, sincere though he is in his quest to determine what diet bestows optimal health.
If the concept of Traditional Diets is new to you, click here for a short video introduction.
Isn’t it high time to stop changing the way you eat every few months or years and follow the anthropological path to diet and health that has already been trodden by cultures who fully experienced the vitality you seek?
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Derisive comments about Dr. Weil are unfortunate. He is thoughtful and cautious and helped many to avoid “pop” health suggestions. I have more confidence in his credentials, training, experience and philosophy expressed on his site that I do this one.
The point is these people are all trying to make money as it is there lively hood! But also they are In the field treating patients as well. Do you not think dr oz has a passion to help people? I’m not saying their all right all the time but I don’t think they are trying to kill us for money either. New research comes out all the time and if it wasn’t for some of these main stream personalities people would continue to shove twinkles and soda down there throats. Weil makes money selling supplements which I don’t buy, but his diet I think is on point.
I don’t think anybody really knows to be honest. I am one of those whose head is spinning. I’m not an academic and just of average intelligence, so I don’t have time to read all the studies or make sense of them all. I think you’re all trying to do the same thing in different ways, and no one is 100% right. I think time will tell in regards to all the people who are now eating paleo or low carb. We’ll see if disease increases for them in the long run. I’m listening to your advice. I only hope you’re right.
Oh, and Dr. Oz … why bother listening to him? Use that time to read Nourishing Traditions, Real Food, Know Your Fats.
Why even bother listening to him in the 1st place? Dr Weil, Dr Fuhrman, Dr Hyman…. don’t need them all. We’ve got great information on nutrition without them.
Does saturated fat have any other negative health implications?
God is the greatest authority on what we are to eat. If we would follow his plan then there would not be so many different opinions. Makers Diet Revolution is a book by Jordan Rubin that follows Gods diet plan. It will be out in November. Funny how all the research is done and it comes back to exactly what what God laid out for us . http://www.organicsheal.com
With all due respect, what “God”?
As for Jordan Rubin, who made millions and continues to make millions off of questionable products, doesn’t “God” say the poor and meek shall inherit the earth and the rich will not go to “heaven”?
Way to take scripture out of context, Kelly. Do you really think anyone who has “money” or is “rich” will not spend eternity with Jesus? Scripture is talking about those who consider themselves with a humble heart before God as “meek” and those who do not seek God because of their own self righteousness as “rich”, in an earthly way. Some scripture is not as literal as you make it.
As for Jordan Rubin, I followed his book and it changed my life. Four years & going with no more 20+ pills a day and constant sickness. Thankful for every day given. Maybe you should try opening your heart.
I have read every comment and found them very interesting. The bottom Line as I see it is the simple statement my mother, who lived in good health to age 96 years, 7 months said: “Eat a little bit of Everything, and not MUCH of anything.” , which I have tried to follow. I am age 88+ and take no pills or prescriptions except thyroid replacement as a result of “pre-cancerous nodules” that prompted surgery in my late 40’s. The other wise statement she made at the end of every phone conversation we had was: Now, Betty, Get your Sleep. Except for Macular Degeneration I would still be playing tennis. I do swim nearly every day,….laps. I grew up on raw, whole milk. I have 6 adult, healthy children.
way to go, Betty! and typing and using the computer to boot! Thanks for the inspiration and your mother’s advice.
I read comments in order to gain information. I found your comments totally unhelpful. In fact my impression was that providing information was not your objective. Rather your intention, and you succeeded was to criticize Weil for the sake of putting him down. We all attempt follow scientific advances which inform us and shape our opinions. I trust Weil and have found every reason to continue to do so.
Ominvore Diet–One day will do a segment on this—all these guys weil- OZ all HS at best—would not believe anything they say they are like feathers in the wind and will go to and fro as long as you follow them and support there BS—I do not advocate listening to any mainstream doctor selling hype—this is a well structured game to get people to waste money on products that are either inert or will not have any effect due to lack of understanding and following bad advice cause people to fore go any sound options that might be effective—and alot of these people selling is what they are doing not actually illustrating the value and use and what should be combo’d and what should be avoided in the use of an alternative
For example? What are you talking about. At least give some facts!