I am a charts, graphs and diagrams kind of gal.
I love the visual representation of data which is one reason why I was so attracted to Economics as my college major. Those of you who have taken Economics know what I’m talking about here – charts, graphs and diagrams galore!
Because of my personal predilection for pictorial data, I really am enjoying this new trend toward colorful Infographics.
The latest infographic that really grabbed my attention was this one below that summarized all this neat information about the most important meal of the day – breakfast.
Check out this really cool infographic and share in the comments section which factoid or factoids jumped out most at you.
My personal fave is that 50% of people give more thought to their outfit for the day than their breakfast. No wonder we have such a health crisis in this country!
Another keeper is that folks who skip breakfast have more carb cravings later in the day. Beware that 3pm Snickers attack if you didn’t take the time for a decent breakfast my friends!
Want your kids to do well in school? Ensuring they don’t go out the door without a decent breakfast is one of the most practical things you can do every day. Students who eat breakfast have better grades and are more likely to get that diploma!
Hint: The Standard American Breakfast of a bowl of cold breakfast cereal topped with skim milk and a glass of store OJ is not your best choice. For some healthy ideas based on how Traditional Cultures started their day, check out this listing of breakfast recipes.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Oliver you remind me of Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. Annoying but probably always right.
I don’t know what to tell you Rachel — I gave up trying to please everyone years ago — especially on anonymous forums where people can just randomly insult one another. There are some sites where that is not allowed, where you actually get a “time out” if you curse or start name calling — they give you a 3 day ban where you are unable to post — if you decide to rejoin and do it again your banned for life.
Some forums screen your post prior, and determine if it is disruptive to the thread. All I can do is try my best to stay on the friendly side of discourse no matter how spirited the debate can be. Margaret Heffernan (no relation to Doug) once said: “Good disagreement is central to progress; in business, the best partners aren’t echo chambers; great research teams, relationships and businesses allow people to deeply disagree.”
I am not always right. If there is a topic I am not familiar with I listen and learn. The fracking debate in the other thread was very enlightening and I took notes — I actually learned more from the posters than the original post. And there was some ugly involved with that thread as well. ?????
In my real life work, I know that I am up against it. I realize that right or wrong, what I bring to the table is rarely a popular issue — people love their cooked food (as do I) and they just don’t want to hear it — no matter how nice one tells them — if the pope walked into a church and started telling people to eat raw beef or stop eating beef altogether — there will be an uprising. Most times, it’s not the messenger but the message — and to that, it is easier to attack the messenger than a message that one might not be too familiar with — but still, there should never be hate — at least not overtly.
All I do, in my world is try and inform people about the real choices they have. If a parent has $75 to feed 2 or 3 kids for a month, I want them to know that a Costco size box of cereals is not the way to go. The way to go (in a grocery store) is towards real nutrients — nuts, fruits veggies etc. So many poor people say they have to put the fruit and veggie stuff on the back burner cause they can’t afford it, they have to get the rice and pasta and potatoes and meats etc. first.
I have shown many that they need to reverse that and they will be better off (I have so many more details that I can’t always post). It isn’t easy but for me it is worth it, and if I come off to some as “whatever”, I still have to not get side tracked and focus on the issue and not some strangers perception of my personality, which most times is more reflective of who they are or how they are feeling that day.
To question and debate is healthy and progressive and one would think the real purpose of any forum.
Yes, Sheldon is annoying, and what is more annoying is my girlfriend thinks he’s funny and cute.
well keep sharing your info with everyone you seem to know quite a lot.
We all know a lot Rachel. Everyone, each one of us, has a beautiful mind for something. Each one teach one. I have learned so much from being on numerous types of forums over the past 4 years (when I started my hard research). It is a credit to this open forum type format online – and then the quick reference data that is supplied by the massive internet, that is invaluble.
With a modicum of success, I have even learned to work on my “personality” from these forums – how to get one’s message across without being too pushy, or coming off all knowing, or pompous, arrogant, pedantic, absolutist, always having to be right, and a host of other unappealing traits that can turn people off right fast and right quick.
It is the struggle I have each day; how to work on “me”, yet not change who I am too much – and ultimately not let it disrupt the many things I endeavor to do.
Oliver, how about posting backing inside of just conjecture. You come of as a real jerk… just an observation and opinion.
Dave – you are a jerk for going onto a website about food and health and calling someone a jerk. Where have I been a jerk? I respond to every one in kind – if I disagree with them i might even use the term “with all due respect” as I have.
I have been friendly and have answered those who had a question for me with friendly answers – nothing mean.
Now, in fairness, you shouldn’t confuse my responding to idiots like you, as all of who i am. I am only human and defense is part of the human condition.
It is not about me being a jerk but more about you just not liking me – which is fair – but is it worth posting your disdain? do we really need to interupt a conversation with vitriol – is that constructive? Really, what good comes of “going There”?
Why is it important to you at 10:30 pm to go there – what are u angry about? What is going on in your world that you have to post ugly – are there not enough problems in life, in the world, that you need to start more?
Oliver, you make it sound like I think the fully built proteins are used. Yes, we are after amino acids which the body uses to build into new proteins according to the DNA/RNA blueprints to make the many fully built proteins in the body. Eight of the amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body though the other eighty percent of the amino acids are synthesized you might say
by the liver. Good to catch me on the protein vs. amino acid wording though–my bad.
Shoving all the interesting primordial earth stuff to the side, I’ll stay in the realm of life rather than a test tube of boiling chemicals. The real deal- breaker with this idea of not using the proteins from outside the body is that if a person discontinues eating these essential amino acids via animal proteins, why do they not stay in glowing health, but rather deteriorate in health. If the body simply makes them through dynamics of the DNA/RNA then they should be rather self sustaining on this point. In fact, they should only need the gaseous substances used in the Miller/Urey experiment, as that was supposed to have created all 22amino acids–mind a little warmer than the human body, but we are talking about the human body and the chances necessary for evolution so this shouldn’t be too hard for you to explain. Nevertheless, Human beings cannot survive without animal products. Ask Weston Price for an analysis on that. Further:Plants cannot survive without animal manures either. A German Experimenter, Maria Thun tried raising plants without manure compost, only plants. The outcome of saving these seeds and only growing the plants on plant compost was that in four generations the plants failed to produce seed and the experiment ended!
Luke, you’re a patient man! I’m personally choosing to skip over everything Oliver writes.
I think you are reading what i post – all the time. Unlike luke you may not be familiar with the topic to the extent you can engage. But u can still ask – but to be mean for the sake of being mean – and then the need to recruit – luke and i can have a civil conversation, disagreeing to the nth degree but still keep it civil – and then there are those who just need to take it to an ugly level.
If one really wants to ignore, then just ignore. What is this need for people to announce to everyone that they are not reading this or that persons post. Really?
Luke, this is the myth we are trying to dispel – this whole “essential” thre peoing. Do you know that there are people on this earth, humans who can make their own vitamin C – wikipedia may never tell you this.
What you may know is that there are people who have never eaten meat their entire lives and that are not lacking in anything. Yes, opponents can find vegetarians who are sick or vegans who suffer from this or that as well as issues with raw foodists – that is the nature of the human genome not their diets.
As it is I can introduce you to hordes of healthy people who do not eat meat or fish or dairy – some of them are olympians and other atheletes – I personally go without raw meat protein for years and years and I have not been sick since 1996 – no flu, no colds, no headaches, no stomach aches, diarhea (TMI) – nothing.
Once we dispense with food science and subsequent marketing we will all be better off. But that won’t happen cause cash is king.
BTW there are plenty of plants that are not near animals – plants get their nutrients again from the earth’s nitrogen (and other atoms as i mentioned) and the sun and rain.
I am very mindful about what I put in my body and why, and for that reason eat a low-carb paleo diet. But I am so tired of the “we’re the only species that drinks milk, so it must be bad” argument. I could sit here all day, naming things that we, as a species, are the only animals that do. Because we are humans. We are different. Which is why I am able to sit here right now, punching keys on a handheld device, that is allowing me to have a conversation with other humans across the world. But, since no other species does that, I guess it is bad. Grammar, the written word, art, building, designing, engineering, plumbing. Bad, bad, bad. I suppose I must go move to a cave in the woods… no loincloth, I don’t want to do anything unique from other species… no fire… just me and my imagination, no, wait… just me and my will to survive.
This is just a website, not a jim jones camp – you don’t have to “drink” anything you don’t want to.
if you wish to beleive that we are different because we have monday night football – and they don’t – that also is no crime and your choice.
Reblogged on my blog: http://flamidwyfe.wordpress.com/2012/08/28/great-way-to-start-the-day/
What jumped out at me was the promotion, once more, of non-fat dairy products.
Oh no ya don’t! Not if you wanna be healthy. We all need those full-fat products.
We eat a breakfast every day! Even when we have to run somewhere in the morning, I make something portable and take it with us (like bananas with toast).
What about if you are on a ketogenic diet, or are “fat-adapted”?
What about if you are on a ketogenic diet and are “fat-adapted”. I feel fantastic and I don’t have to eat all the time.