Home remedy for hives that works fast and is completely nontoxic. Appropriate for both children and adults.

One of my teenage children once came down with a pretty bad case of hives out of the blue. He had never had a hives attack before so it was a very unexpected situation!
The raised, itchy rash started on his legs and within a day or two, covered his whole body except for his face, neck, hands, and feet.
As you can imagine, he was miserable!
Being a bit of an analyst in this area, I sat down with him and thoroughly reviewed what he had been eating and drinking over the past few days. Â
We came up with nothing unusual that could have triggered the event. This included any exposures to possible environmental allergens.
Since he has no allergies or sensitivities of any kind, I found the situation completely baffling!
Not wanting to resort to any meds, even over-the-counter diphenhydramine (Benadryl) which can have side effects, I consulted a professional I trusted.
She advised that the hives probably occurred from a sudden burst of testosterone from puberty.
Thankfully, she thought that it was likely nothing to worry about as a long-term issue.
She advised the homeopathic remedy “Skin” to quickly take care of the uncomfortable symptoms as his body adjusted to the changes.
The standard dosage is 1-2 tablets dissolved on the tongue before swallowing. She told him to take a dose whenever he started to feel itchy or uncomfortable.
Ideally, it is best to not eat or drink anything 15 minutes before or after taking a dose.
This completely natural remedy for hives worked wonderfully well.
It works for eczema as well, although I have never used it for that specific purpose in our family.
He took the remedy 1-3 times a day for about a week.
He even took the bottle of “Skin” to school to use as needed and was able to function normally the entire time.
Slowly, the raised, itchy rash gradually faded away never to return!
If anyone in your family is prone to hives every now and again, having homeopathic Skin in the medicine cabinet is a great alternative to Benadryl.
Yes, all sorts of symptoms can crop up from GAPS. It is called a “healing crisis”.
I don’t see where to find “Skin” or what it is…couldn’t find anything helpful about it on the web. Can you please help?! Several people have asked and it seems like their pleas for help are being ignored. It’s no good to know that “Skin” helps if you can’t figure out what it is or how to get it… 😉
Does anyone know if hives are a side effect of being on the GAPS diet? Not finding enough info. Ive been on gaps about 3 months and just got my first case of hives ever and it’s a biggie! Had to resort to meds! That does not make me very happy. Any info would be awesome!!!
This is really interesting. I regularly use homeopathics from a homeopath when needed. However, I am wondering why you would treat the skin and not a hormone balancing remedy. Obviously, puberty is normal…but to the point of an all over body skin hives…. not too sure. I would think that treating the skin is like treating just the symptom and not the real problem.
It was from the sudden burst of testosterone that the body had not experienced before. He has since adjusted and been fine. If it continued to recur, that would have indicated a persistent imbalance. He has obviously adjusted fine. It could have also been brought on by the physical stress of starting puberty also which is a huge change physiologically.
I developed a raging case of hives in my 20s about 2 weeks before I left for full-time University. It was my big move away from home and I had to leave a job in the corporate world to attend. I was so nervous about the University, quitting my job, leaving friends and family behind, etc. that the hives popped up and destroyed my skin from head to toe! I went to see the doctor but they said there was no way for them to identify the cause of the hives without further testing. So I rode it through and within 10 days, it had cleared completely. But it was itchy non-stop!!!!
am wondering if one can get hives because of dust mites? no one else has it except me. i get it almost every night, but on some nights, i don’t.
By “at night” I’m assuming it is happening in bed.? What are you washing your sheets with? You could be sensitive or allergic to something in the bedding that others are fine with. The sheets? The blanket? I can not use Tide to wash anything because it makes me itch. I use Cheer and have no problems. Also I double rinse my sheets when I wash them. Also wearing lotion on my skin helps protect it from whatever touches it.
If it’s in the pillow, you may need to change out your pillow. They can collect dust and dust mites. New pillow and new cover. Look all around your bed and see what you may be sensitive too.
so it’s just called “skin”? is it a capsule of some sort?
Hi Sarah – I posted a piece on hives on http://www.chrystlefiedler.com. Perhaps it can help your son?Thanks! Chrystle Fiedler
1. Drink a Detoxifying Tea that contains calendula, chamomile, dandelion leaf and root, nettles, plantain and red clover. This will help your body’s normal channels of elimination such as the kidneys, liver and lymph glands.
2. Take a Bath. Soak in the bathtub with a couple of handfuls of oatmeal tied into a washcloth. Afterwards, pat your face and back with the mucilage that comes out of the cloth on the skin. You can also bathe with a pound of alkalinizing baking soda.
3. After the Bath. Apply cooled chamomile tea or aloe vera with clean fingers or a soft cloth. It acts as an anti-inflammatory.
4. Skip spicy foods and eat a more bland diet that includes celery, cucumbers, kale and other green leafy veggies. It will make your body more alkaline than acidic. The body functions better this way.
5. Get Tested for Common Allergies such as citrus fruit, strawberries, mangoes, tomatoes, shellfish, nuts and chocolate.
Your homeopath should have some. A few healthfood stores carry homeopathic remedies also.
how do we get the remedy??? i’d love to get my hands on it! 🙂