Dear readers, I have such a funny story to tell you today. I hope you get as good a laugh out of it as my husband and I did.
Laughter is, after all, one of the healthiest things anyone can do, so I’m sharing this story with all of you in the hope that it adds a boost of wellness to your day!
So here’s what happened ….
This morning, as I was getting ready to leave my dentist’s office after a 9am appointment, the receptionist hands me an envelope with my name on it. She told me the day before over the phone that it was a gift card which was the office’s way of saying “thank you” for some referrals I’ve sent their way in recent months.
Very nice. A classy touch, I thought to myself.
So, I get in my car and drive home. I didn’t open the envelope because it just didn’t cross my mind to do so at that moment.
Boy, am I glad I waited!
After I arrive home, I go into the house and start putting my keys, etc on the kitchen table and notice the envelope again.
I thought it would be nice to share this with my husband, so I walk into his office and tell him about the gift card and begin to open the envelope so we can be surprised and delighted together.
I’m thinking it must be movie tickets or a certificate to a local restaurant or something like that which my husband and I can share on an evening out.
You can imagine my shock and surprise when I pull out the gift card and it is none other than a gift card to (drum roll please) …
I am not making this up.
For the first few seconds, my husband and I were too stunned to say anything. We just stared at each other with our jaws agape.
And then, we started to laugh, and laugh, and LAUGH!
Oh my, that was so funny. A dentist giving a gift card to Dunkin’ Donuts! The irony of it is almost too much to comprehend!
After we finally stopped laughing many, many minutes later, I finally gasped enough air to ask my husband, “What am I going to do with this? I don’t eat donuts and I don’t drink coffee?”
Always my knight in shining armor, hubby chimed in that Dunkin’ Donuts now shares space with Baskin Robbins, so he can take the kids out for ice cream with it.
Wonderful, I thought. Ice cream for the kids. What a way to promote those cavities (and some repeat business)!
This is a ho-hum kinda day – thanks for the laugh!
I’ll have to pass this idea on to my dentist… he only gives out coupons for 5lb bags of sugar. 😀
It truly is an ignorant society out there. I was just as stunned that they want to insist you sit down and have a donut after giving blood. It truly reinforces the fact that we have to take charge of our health…. ourselves…. as it appears that all areas of the medical profession are being taught from the same bad manual.
You know whats just as hilarious? McD’s in a hospital!
Could it be anymore obvious? Then they try to redeem themselves by helping kids with cancer! I’m not against helping the kids, but I find it terribly ironic for McD’s to do so.
We have a local YMCA with a McDonald’s inside of it!
Amanda-she knows whats a good for business. lol
I’m guessing that a member of the office staff was asked to pick something up, or it is a pass-on gift. I’m not assuming the dentist did this purposefully.
Yes, the receptionist told me on the phone that the dentist had instructed her to pick up gift cards for clients that had provided referral business.
Just wondering if they read your blog (or know you write one)…really is funny!
Oh, I doubt it, but I do hope that someone sends them a link! 🙂
LOL! I recently won some Baskins Robbins gift certificates. We’re giving them to a local school to give away as a prize, we’re sure not going to use them!
Yeah, I’m not crazy about Baskin Robbins either. But, we do get ice cream out occasionally as keeping your kids away from everything is a surefire way to get rebellion against all things healthy. Balancing and showing them choices is the hardest part of parenting and teaching wise food habits, no doubt.
I totally agree!
That is funny, Sarah. 🙂 Along the same lines I took my kids to a local dentist for the first time the other day. To my shock and surprise they invited the kids (and not me) to “their own private area” in the back, where I was not allowed, to play video games, watch television and…..EAT ICE CREAM before their appointment!!!! They also do NOT do dental work without sedation and want me to give DEMEROL before appointments. Needless to say we won’t be going back there! I was working on a blog about this myself….funny coinsidence
Rose, your story is more creepy and scary than funny. A room where parents aren’t allowed to go? Having the parents drug the kid beforehand? What the heck is going on over there!?Those people need some kind of formal complaint, or serious investigation or something.
I agree with Vesna. That is scary NOT funny. The dentist my Mom took me to as a young child did the same thing and abused his young female patients. I bit him and Mom took me to another dentist. DON’T take your children back to a dentist if they do not allow you to have control over what your children are exposed to!
Gosh I love Dunkin’ Donuts…lol. But I can’t tell you how long it’s been since I’ve gone. A very very long time. (Which reminds me…when I get more lard, after we get our pig this spring…must make homemade awesome donuts!!) It DOES seem like the dentists are trying to drum up repeat business. And my biggest question honestly would be, how are we to explain to our children (assuming, anyway, that you eat SAD and don’t continuously explain to your children how wrong most people are, LOL) why the dentist is teaching that sugar is bad and we need to care for our teeth…but handing out candy or gift cards for junk?? How do we teach them about hypocrisy? Sigh. I haven’t even taken my kids yet (my daughter’s just 3), but I’m not completely sure I will. Their teeth are very white, straight, and even, well-spaced too, so I might just…skip it for now, at least as long as they just have baby teeth….
That is too funny! I really think that sometimes people just don’t realize what they’re promoting! At one company I worked for, to raise money for a heart association, the first fundraiser they did was sell donuts. I was amazed to say the least.