Today, I traveled across town to my favorite local buying club to stock up on high quality grassfed meats and jersey milk cheeses. I make this trip every few months and save myself a small fortune. In fact, I have no doubt that I spend at least half what a typical family of five would spend at a regular grocery store buying cheap, processed foods. It is a great source of pride for me to feed my family so well and still be super smart about how much I spend. All you Healthy Home Economists out there know exactly what I’m talking about .. it’s a game isn’t it? Finding top quality and getting great deals is a super satisfying way to shop!
It Always Pays to Buy Top Quality Food

Sarah Pope MGA has been a Health and Nutrition Educator since 2002. She is a summa cum laude graduate in Economics from Furman University and holds a Master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania.
She is the author of three books: Amazon #1 bestseller Get Your Fats Straight, Traditional Remedies for Modern Families, and Living Green in an Artificial World.
Her four eBooks Good Diet…Bad Diet, Real Food Fermentation, Ketonomics, and Ancestrally Inspired Dairy-Free Recipes are available for complimentary download via Healthy Home Plus.
Her mission is dedicated to helping families effectively incorporate the principles of ancestral diets within the modern household. She is a sought after lecturer around the world for conferences, summits, and podcasts.
Sarah was awarded Activist of the Year in 2010 at the International Wise Traditions Conference, subsequently serving on the Board of Directors of the nutrition nonprofit the Weston A. Price Foundation for seven years.
Her work has been covered by numerous independent and major media including USA Today, ABC, and NBC among many others.
would you ever be able to put together a list of what you buy and about what you pay for it? I am looking for a way to feed my family better but with limited resources around here I want to make sure I am getting a decent price… but I have no idea what those prices should be around!!! I know you said $300 but that was for everything.
I would like to second that question. I live in Tampa also and would be grateful to find out where you do your shopping. Granted I only shop for two but local sources would be great.
Hi Sarah,
I live in Tampa also and was curious if you would share with me where to find the local buying club you are talking about.
I have been trying to find local meat sources but they all want me to buy a whole pig/cow etc. There are only 3 people in our family and that would take years to eat!
Thank you so much. I really like you blog 🙂