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The top 17 holistic first aid kit essential homeopathic remedies that naturally-minded parents should include for effective, safe home care.

Band-aids, Neosporin, Tylenol, heating pad, etc. are the items you’ll find in a first aid kit. Well, if you have children, you’re going to need a lot more than that!
This is where homeopathy comes into the picture.
Homeopathy for Acute Situations
As a Naturopathic Doctor, I consider homeopathy to be the best home remedy modality for acute (as opposed to chronic) situations, particularly with children.
Homeopathic remedies can be found at most health food stores, they are inexpensive, and those tiny sweet pellets are extremely easy to administer to a child of any age, even newborns as they dissolve easily on the tongue.
So why aren’t these remedies in every home’s first aid kit? The reason is that most parents are intimidated by the plethora of different remedies out there so they don’t know where to start.
My goal in this article is to list the most important homeopathic remedies to have in your home first aid kit at all times to deal with acute situations and even more importantly, when to appropriately use them.
Before I begin identifying specific remedies you really need in your home first aid kit, a word on dosage.
The ‘30C’ that you see next to many of these remedies below is what we call the potency, or strength of the remedy.
30C is known to be the most appropriate potency for self-limiting conditions, as opposed to chronic ones.
Dosing of the holistic first aid remedies listed below is usually 2-5 pellets, 2-4 times per day depending on the severity. The great news is that you can’t overdose.
Which holistic first aid remedy to choose?
Being able to determine which is the right remedy for your child is like learning how to ride a bike. As your children get sick you will understand more on how they present when they’re sick and you’ll be much more efficient with selecting the right remedy.
The good news is, again, there is no overdosing and these holistic first aid remedies are not dangerous in any way.
Holistic First Aid Remedies
Below are the remedies I suggest.
I recommend printing this list (print button is at the end of the article) and tuck it into your first aid kit with the remedies you choose to stock so you have the descriptions of which remedies to use for what situations when you need it.
Ferrum Phos 6X
I call Ferrum Phos 6x the “nip it in the butt” remedy because it is taken the moment you notice symptoms that indicate that you may be coming down with something.
You take two tablets twice a day.
Once you’re sick, then you really need to find the remedy that matches the symptoms.
Arnica 30C
Arnica 30C is a MUST for the home first aid kit.
As my Homeopathy professor always said during Naturopathic medical school: “Emergency rooms should have bathtubs full of this remedy!”
If you’re going to only have one remedy in the house, then this is the one it should be.
Use for any type of blunt trauma to the body, bruising, falls, after a surgical procedure (i.e. pulled molars), bumped head, finger stuck in closet or door, etc.
I’ve seen miracles with this remedy in my own children after accidents where the aftermath should have been way worse, but because we had Arnica handy the swelling and bruising was extremely minimal.
Phosphorus 30C
The remedy Phos 30C is best used for respiratory conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tightness in the chest, dry lingering coughs, and deep coughs.
The child may seem well even when sick. Matches children who are very sociable, love performing, and love meeting new people.
Arsenicum 30C
Arsenicum 30C is appropriate to use when the nose is running like a faucet and the skin around the nostrils is raw from the acrid discharge.
Extreme fatigue is another symptom to look for.
Gelsemium 30C
Gelsemium 30C is appropriate for when you feel so drained that you feel like you’ve been “run over by a truck.” Can barely open your eyes. Running a fever with chills.
Excellent acute anxiety remedy for children nervous about going to the doctor, nervous about a big test, etc.
I personally took this remedy before taking my Naturopathic medical board exams.
Rhus Tox 30C
Rhus Tox 30C is the arthritis and joint remedy.
Specifically indicated for stiff joints that tend to get better with movement. Can also be used for sprained ankles, poison ivy, and even cold sores.
Helps with coughs that give a tickle in the throat.
Nux Vomica 30C
I call Nux Vomica 30C the GI (Gastrointestinal Tract) remedy.
It is used for anything from heartburn to hemorrhoids. Can also be used for diarrhea or constipation.
Best indicated for the typical stomach flu presentation. Well known for ameliorating hangovers.
Aconite 30C
The remedy Aconite 30C is for the child who is running around outside in the cold and a wind comes and gives them a chill.
They wake up in the middle of the night with strong flu symptoms.
Also can help with any type of sudden fright, like being shaken up from almost getting in a car accident.
Pulsatilla 30C
Pulsatilla 30C is the universal childhood remedy. Great for tummy aches, headaches, and infections.
They might have a mild fever, but not thirsty.
Typical presentation is a child that is very clingy, a little teary, very sweet, wants to sit on your lap or be held, and is easily consoled.
Kali Bich 30C
Kali Bichromicum 30C is the remedy to choose for thick and sticky mucus that cannot get out of the nose or throat.
Apis 30C
Apis 30C is the bee sting and insect bite remedy. The back of the throat and uvula is all swollen and looks like it is full of water.
A person in need of this remedy desires ice cold drinks. Great for any type of water retention (like pre-menstrual swelling of fingers and can’t get a ring on or off).
Lachesis 30C
Lachesis 30C is the left-sided remedy. Purplish discoloration to face and affected areas, usually due to circulation issues.
Can’t stand anything around the neck. Symptoms worsen from hot drinks.
Lycopodium 30C
Lycopodium 30C is the right-sided remedy. Desires warm drinks.
Feels like there is a lump in the throat. Symptoms worsen from cold beverages.
Mercurius 30C
Mercurius 30C is the appropriate remedy for excessive drooling.
Sweat and breath smells bad. Bed sheets are drenched with sweat.
Kali Mur 6X
Kali Muriaticum 6X helps resorb ear fluids during an active ear infection.
This article on homeopathy for ear infections provides more specifics.
Belladonna 30C
Belladonna 30C pellets are appropriate for fevers with a fast onset.
Heat comes on strong. Bright red face.
Chamomilla 30C
Chamomilla 30C is the remedy is for the “impossible kid”. It usually applies when they’re teething or have a sore throat.
Now you’re ready to upgrade your first aid kit to include plenty of homeopathic remedies – holistic, safe, and effective!

More Information
I love arnica, we use it for inflammation
Arnica for falls, bumps & bruises; phosphorus to stop severe nosebleeds; Apis for bee stings; Lachesis for black widow bites, etc., etc. Love our homeopathic remedies and always carry the most important ones with me. They have saved us from many trips to the hospital and I couldn’t imagine a life without them 🙂
Jamie Gilbert Wooten
Ali Wood Mia Pienaar
I’ve used all of them on either myself, my kids (16 and 10), or my pets. To explain each one would require rewriting your basic homeopathy manual, so I won’t. But I will say that as of yet, my kids haven’t needed treatment from a doctor or a prescription for anything. Homeopathy, good fats, and fermented foods have taken care of everything they’ve encountered. I have to give a shout out for Hypercal (Cuts and Scrapes) Cream, it’s marvelous.
I’ve used Arnica and Rhus Tox for Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease – cured in 2 days. Most recently have used Belladonna for Fifth disease, also cured in 2 days.
My mother in law has had a cough for over a month that was keeping her up at night. One day using the phosphorous and she’s been sleeping through the night since.
I’ve used arnica gel on bruises but to be honest, I don’t know that I saw any miracle in using it vs just letting the bruise heal on its own.
I LOVE arnica! We use it and it always does amazing things. You have to be careful with it though, because it can be toxic. Never use it on open wounds and I never used it on my kids when they were little. They are old enough to be careful now.
i used many of those things with my first two children – ferrum phis was a good fever remedy for one of them…rhus tox, nux vomica. they all came in very handy. i was fortunate to have an MD with a nurse practioner on staff and available to help. i purchased the Boiron Homeopathic kit they recommended, and i’m pretty sure it contained all of these. i really needed someone to guide me, as i am untrained in remedies. i can honestly say i never had to use antibiotics – especially in those first few years of illnesses. (one didn’t get antibiotics until 8 years old, then only for a day because whatever it was disappeared – the other took them for a day at age 4 – she ended up being allergic to penicillin – and having Kawasaki’s Disease) whether it’s remedies or allopathic meds, i think we often distrust the ability of our bodies to heal.